#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import argparse import numpy as np import shlex import subprocess import sys import wave import json import os from bottle import route, run, template, request, response from deepspeech import Model, printVersions from timeit import default_timer as timer try: from shhlex import quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote model = "deepspeech-0.6.0-models/output_graph.pbmm" lm = "deepspeech-0.6.0-models/lm.binary" trie = "deepspeech-0.6.0-models/trie" beam_width = 500 lm_alpha = 0.75 lm_beta = 1.85 desired_sample_rate = 16000 ds = {} def convert_samplerate(audio_path, desired_sample_rate): sox_cmd = 'sox {} --type raw --bits 16 --channels 1 --rate {} --encoding signed-integer --endian little --compression 0.0 --no-dither - '.format(quote(audio_path), desired_sample_rate) try: output = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(sox_cmd), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError('SoX returned non-zero status: {}'.format(e.stderr)) except OSError as e: raise OSError(e.errno, 'SoX not found, use {}hz files or install it: {}'.format(desired_sample_rate, e.strerror)) return desired_sample_rate, np.frombuffer(output, np.int16) def metadata_to_string(metadata): return ''.join(item.character for item in metadata.items) def words_from_metadata(metadata): word = "" word_list = [] word_start_time = 0 # Loop through each character for i in range(0, metadata.num_items): item = metadata.items[i] # Append character to word if it's not a space if item.character != " ": word = word + item.character # Word boundary is either a space or the last character in the array if item.character == " " or i == metadata.num_items - 1: word_duration = item.start_time - word_start_time if word_duration < 0: word_duration = 0 each_word = dict() each_word["word"] = word each_word["start_time "] = round(word_start_time, 4) each_word["duration"] = round(word_duration, 4) word_list.append(each_word) # Reset word = "" word_start_time = 0 else: if len(word) == 1: # Log the start time of the new word word_start_time = item.start_time return word_list def metadata_json_output(metadata): json_result = dict() json_result["words"] = words_from_metadata(metadata) json_result["confidence"] = metadata.confidence return json.dumps(json_result) class VersionAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VersionAction, self).__init__(nargs=0, *args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): printVersions() exit(0) @route('/upload', method='POST') def do_upload(): print('received a request') response.content_type = 'application/json' upload = request.POST['file'] name, ext = os.path.splitext(upload.filename) if ext not in ('.wav'): return "File extension not allowed." save_path = "temp_audio" if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) file_path = "{path}/{file}".format(path=save_path, file=upload.filename) print(file_path) upload.save(file_path, overwrite=True) data = process(file_path) return data #return { "message": "File successfully saved to '{0}'.".format(save_path)} def start(): global ds print('Loading model from file {}'.format(model), file=sys.stderr) model_load_start = timer() ds = Model(model, beam_width) model_load_end = timer() - model_load_start print('Loaded model in {:.3}s.'.format(model_load_end), file=sys.stderr) #desired_sample_rate = ds.sampleRate() if lm and trie: print('Loading language model from files {} {}'.format(lm, trie), file=sys.stderr) lm_load_start = timer() ds.enableDecoderWithLM(lm, trie, lm_alpha, lm_beta) lm_load_end = timer() - lm_load_start print('Loaded language model in {:.3}s.'.format(lm_load_end), file=sys.stderr) def process(audio): global ds fin = wave.open(audio, 'rb') fs = fin.getframerate() if fs != desired_sample_rate: print('Warning: original sample rate ({}) is different than {}hz. Resampling might produce erratic speech recognition.'.format(fs, desired_sample_rate), file=sys.stderr) fs, audio = convert_samplerate(audio, desired_sample_rate) else: audio = np.frombuffer(fin.readframes(fin.getnframes()), np.int16) audio_length = fin.getnframes() * (1/fs) fin.close() print('Running inference.', file=sys.stderr) inference_start = timer() data = metadata_json_output(ds.sttWithMetadata(audio)) inference_end = timer() - inference_start print('Inference took %0.3fs for %0.3fs audio file.' % (inference_end, audio_length), file=sys.stderr) print(data) return data if __name__ == '__main__': start() run(host='localhost', port=8050) if __name__ == '__main__': main()