% if @twitter_agent || @basecamp_agent %>
Warning! You need to update your Huginn configuration, so your agents continue to work with the new OAuth services.
To complete the migration of your Twitter agents you need to update your .env file and add the following two lines:
TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY=<%= @twitter_oauth_key %> TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET=<%= @twitter_oauth_secret %>To authenticate new accounts with your twitter OAuth application you need to log in the to twitter application management page and set the callback URL of your application to "http<%= ENV['FORCE_SSL'] == 'true' ? 's' : '' %>://<%= ENV['DOMAIN'] %>/auth/twitter/callback". <% end %> <% if @basecamp_agent %>
Your Basecamp agents could not be migrated automatically. You need to manually register an application with 37signals and authenticate Huginn to use it.
Have a look at the <%= link_to 'Wiki', 'https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki/Configuring-OAuth-applications', target: '_blank' %> if you need help.