module EvernoteConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Oauthable validate :validate_evernote_options valid_oauth_providers :evernote gem_dependency_check { defined?(EvernoteOAuth) && Devise.omniauth_providers.include?(:evernote) } end def evernote_client token: evernote_oauth_token, consumer_key: evernote_consumer_key, consumer_secret: evernote_consumer_secret, sandbox: use_sandbox? ) end private def use_sandbox? ENV["USE_EVERNOTE_SANDBOX"] == "true" end def validate_evernote_options unless evernote_consumer_key.present? && evernote_consumer_secret.present? && evernote_oauth_token.present? errors.add(:base, "Evernote consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, and oauth_token_secret are required to authenticate with the Evernote API. You can provide these as options to this Agent, or as Credentials with the same names, but starting with 'evernote_'.") end end def evernote_consumer_key (config = Devise.omniauth_configs[:evernote]) && config.strategy.consumer_key end def evernote_consumer_secret (config = Devise.omniauth_configs[:evernote]) && config.strategy.consumer_secret end def evernote_oauth_token service && service.token end def evernote_oauth_token_secret service && service.secret end end