include_recipe 'apt' include_recipe 'build-essential' user "huginn" do system true home "/home/huginn" password "$6$ZwO6b.6tij$SMa8UIwtESGDxB37NwHsct.gJfXWmmflNbH.oypwJ9y0KkzMkCdw7D14iK7GX9C4CWSEcpGOFUow7p01rQFu5." supports :manage_home => true shell "/bin/bash" gid "sudo" end group "huginn" do members ["huginn"] end %w("ruby1.9.1" "ruby1.9.1-dev" "libxslt-dev" "libxml2-dev" "curl" "libmysqlclient-dev" "libffi-dev" "libssl-dev").each do |pkg| package("#{pkg}") end bash "Setting default ruby and gem versions to 1.9" do code <<-EOH if [ $(readlink /usr/bin/ruby) != "ruby1.9.1" ] then update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 fi if [ $(readlink /usr/bin/gem) != "gem1.9.1" ] then update-alternatives --set gem /usr/bin/gem1.9.1 fi EOH end gem_package("rake") gem_package("bundle") service "nginx" do supports :restart => true, :start => true, :stop => true, :reload => true action :nothing end bash "Setting huginn user with NOPASSWD option" do cwd "/etc/sudoers.d" code <<-EOH touch huginn && chmod 0440 huginn echo "huginn ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> huginn EOH end deploy "/home/huginn" do repo "" branch "master" user "huginn" group "huginn" environment "RAILS_ENV" => "production" keep_releases 5 create_dirs_before_symlink [] symlinks "log" => "log" symlink_before_migrate({}) rollback_on_error true notifies :enable, "service[nginx]" notifies :start, "service[nginx]" before_symlink do %w(config log tmp).each do |dir| directory "/home/huginn/shared/#{dir}" do owner "huginn" group "huginn" recursive true end end directory("/home/huginn/shared/tmp/pids") directory("/home/huginn/shared/tmp/sockets") %w(Procfile unicorn.rb nginx.conf).each do |file| cookbook_file "/home/huginn/shared/config/#{file}" do owner "huginn" action :create_if_missing end end cookbook_file "home/huginn/shared/config/.env" do source "env.example" mode "666" owner "huginn" action :create_if_missing end end before_restart do bash "huginn dependencies" do cwd "/home/huginn/current" user "huginn" group "huginn" code <<-EOH export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" ln -nfs /home/huginn/shared/config/Procfile ./Procfile ln -nfs /home/huginn/shared/config/.env ./.env ln -nfs /home/huginn/shared/config/unicorn.rb ./config/unicorn.rb sudo cp /home/huginn/shared/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/ echo 'gem "unicorn", :group => :production' >> Gemfile sudo bundle install --without=development --without=test sed -i s/REPLACE_ME_NOW\!/$(sudo bundle exec rake secret)/ /home/huginn/shared/config/.env sudo RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create sudo RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate sudo RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed sudo RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile sudo foreman export upstart /etc/init -a huginn -u huginn -l log sudo start huginn EOH end end end