require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::PushbulletAgent do before(:each) do @valid_params = { 'api_key' => 'token', 'device_id' => '124', 'body' => '{{body}}', 'url' => 'url', 'name' => 'name', 'address' => 'address', 'title' => 'hello from huginn', 'type' => 'note' } @checker = => "somename", :options => @valid_params) @checker.user = users(:jane)! @event = @event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) @event.payload = { :body => 'One two test' }! end describe "validating" do before do expect(@checker).to be_valid end it "should require the api_key" do @checker.options['api_key'] = nil expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should try do create a device_id" do @checker.options['device_id'] = nil expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should require fields based on the type" do @checker.options['type'] = 'address' @checker.options['address'] = nil expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end end describe "helpers" do before(:each) do @base_options = { body: { device_iden: @checker.options[:device_id] }, basic_auth: { username: @checker.options[:api_key], :password=>'' } } end context "#query_options" do it "should work for a note" do options = @base_options.deep_merge({ body: {title: 'hello from huginn', body: 'One two test', type: 'note'} }) expect(@checker.send(:query_options, @event)).to eq(options) end it "should work for a link" do @checker.options['type'] = 'link' options = @base_options.deep_merge({ body: {title: 'hello from huginn', body: 'One two test', type: 'link', url: 'url'} }) expect(@checker.send(:query_options, @event)).to eq(options) end it "should work for an address" do @checker.options['type'] = 'address' options = @base_options.deep_merge({ body: {name: 'name', address: 'address', type: 'address'} }) expect(@checker.send(:query_options, @event)).to eq(options) end end end describe '#validate_api_key' do it "should return true when working" do mock(@checker).devices expect(@checker.validate_api_key).to be_truthy end it "should return true when working" do mock(@checker).devices { raise Agents::PushbulletAgent::Unauthorized } expect(@checker.validate_api_key).to be_falsy end end describe '#complete_device_id' do it "should return an array" do mock(@checker).devices { [{'iden' => '12345', 'nickname' => 'huginn'}] } expect(@checker.complete_device_id).to eq([{:text=>"huginn", :id=>"12345"}]) end end describe "#receive" do it "send a note" do stub_request(:post, ""). with(:body => "device_iden=124&type=note&title=hello%20from%20huginn&body=One%20two%20test"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "{}", :headers => {}) dont_allow(@checker).error @checker.receive([@event]) end it "should log resquests which return an error" do stub_request(:post, ""). with(:body => "device_iden=124&type=note&title=hello%20from%20huginn&body=One%20two%20test"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"error": {"message": "error"}}', :headers => {}) mock(@checker).error("error") @checker.receive([@event]) end end describe "#working?" do it "should not be working until the first event was received" do expect(@checker).not_to be_working @checker.last_receive_at = expect(@checker).to be_working end end describe '#devices' do it "should return an array of devices" do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"devices": [{"pushable": false}, {"nickname": "test", "iden": "iden", "pushable": true}]}', :headers => {}) expect(@checker.send(:devices)).to eq([{"nickname"=>"test", "iden"=>"iden", "pushable"=>true}]) end it "should return an empty array on error" do stub(@checker).request { raise Agents::PushbulletAgent::Unauthorized } expect(@checker.send(:devices)).to eq([]) end end describe '#create_device' do it "should create a new device and assign it to the options" do stub_request(:post, ""). with(:body => "nickname=Huginn&type=stream"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"iden": "udm0Tdjz5A7bL4NM"}', :headers => {}) @checker.options['device_id'] = nil @checker.send(:create_device) expect(@checker.options[:device_id]).to eq('udm0Tdjz5A7bL4NM') end end end