require 'rturk' module Agents class HumanTaskAgent < Agent default_schedule "every_10m" description <<-MD You can use a HumanTaskAgent to create Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) on Mechanical Turk. HITs can be created in response to events, or on a schedule. Set `trigger_on` to either `schedule` or `event`. # Schedule The schedule of this Agent is how often it should check for completed HITs, __NOT__ how often to submit one. To configure how often a new HIT should be submitted when in `schedule` mode, set `submission_period` to a number of hours. # Example If created with an event, all HIT fields can contain interpolated values via [JSONPaths]( placed between < and > characters. For example, if the incoming event was a Twitter event, you could make a HITT to rate its sentiment like this: { "expected_receive_period_in_days": 2, "trigger_on": "event", "hit": { "assignments": 1, "title": "Sentiment evaluation", "description": "Please rate the sentiment of this message: '<$.message>'", "reward": 0.05, "lifetime_in_seconds": "3600", "questions": [ { "type": "selection", "key": "sentiment", "name": "Sentiment", "required": "true", "question": "Please select the best sentiment value:", "selections": [ { "key": "happy", "text": "Happy" }, { "key": "sad", "text": "Sad" }, { "key": "neutral", "text": "Neutral" } ] }, { "type": "free_text", "key": "feedback", "name": "Have any feedback for us?", "required": "false", "question": "Feedback", "default": "Type here...", "min_length": "2", "max_length": "2000" } ] } } As you can see, you configure the created HIT with the `hit` option. Required fields are `title`, which is the title of the created HIT, `description`, which is the description of the HIT, and `questions` which is an array of questions. Questions can be of `type` _selection_ or _free\\_text_. Both types require the `key`, `name`, `required`, `type`, and `question` configuration options. Additionally, _selection_ requires a `selections` array of options, each of which contain `key` and `text`. For _free\\_text_, the special configuration options are all optional, and are `default`, `min_length`, and `max_length`. # Combining answers There are a couple of ways to combine HITs that have multiple `assignments`, all of which involve setting `combination_mode` at the top level. ## Taking the majority Option 1: if all of your `questions` are of `type` _selection_, you can set `combination_mode` to `take_majority`. This will cause the Agent to automatically select the majority vote for each question across all `assignments` and return it as `majority_answer`. If all selections are numeric, an `average_answer` will also be generated. Option 2: you can have the Agent ask additional human workers to rank the `assignments` and return the most highly ranked answer. To do this, set `combination_mode` to `poll` and provide a `poll_options` object. Here is an example: { "trigger_on": "schedule", "submission_period": 12, "combination_mode": "poll", "poll_options": { "title": "Take a poll about some jokes", "instructions": "Please rank these jokes from most funny (5) to least funny (1)", "assignments": 3, "row_template": "<$.joke>" }, "hit": { "assignments": 5, "title": "Tell a joke", "description": "Please tell me a joke", "reward": 0.05, "lifetime_in_seconds": "3600", "questions": [ { "type": "free_text", "key": "joke", "name": "Your joke", "required": "true", "question": "Joke", "min_length": "2", "max_length": "2000" } ] } } Resulting events will have the original `answers`, as well as the `poll` results, and a field called `best_answer` that contains the best answer as determined by the poll. # Other settings `lifetime_in_seconds` is the number of seconds a HIT is left on Amazon before it's automatically closed. The default is 1 day. As with most Agents, `expected_receive_period_in_days` is required if `trigger_on` is set to `event`. MD event_description <<-MD Events look like: { "answers": [ { "feedback": "Hello!", "sentiment": "happy" } ] } MD def validate_options options[:hit] ||= {} options[:hit][:questions] ||= [] errors.add(:base, "'trigger_on' must be one of 'schedule' or 'event'") unless %w[schedule event].include?(options[:trigger_on]) errors.add(:base, "'hit.assignments' should specify the number of HIT assignments to create") unless options[:hit][:assignments].present? && options[:hit][:assignments].to_i > 0 errors.add(:base, "'hit.title' must be provided") unless options[:hit][:title].present? errors.add(:base, "'hit.description' must be provided") unless options[:hit][:description].present? errors.add(:base, "'hit.questions' must be provided") unless options[:hit][:questions].present? && options[:hit][:questions].length > 0 if options[:trigger_on] == "event" errors.add(:base, "'expected_receive_period_in_days' is required when 'trigger_on' is set to 'event'") unless options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].present? elsif options[:trigger_on] == "schedule" errors.add(:base, "'submission_period' must be set to a positive number of hours when 'trigger_on' is set to 'schedule'") unless options[:submission_period].present? && options[:submission_period].to_i > 0 end if options[:hit][:questions].any? { |question| [:key, :name, :required, :type, :question].any? {|k| !question[k].present? } } errors.add(:base, "all questions must set 'key', 'name', 'required', 'type', and 'question'") end if options[:hit][:questions].any? { |question| question[:type] == "selection" && (!question[:selections].present? || question[:selections].length == 0 || !question[:selections].all? {|s| s[:key].present? } || !question[:selections].all? { |s| s[:text].present? })} errors.add(:base, "all questions of type 'selection' must have a selections array with selections that set 'key' and 'name'") end if take_majority? && options[:hit][:questions].any? { |question| question[:type] != "selection" } errors.add(:base, "all questions must be of type 'selection' to use the 'take_majority' option") end if create_poll? errors.add(:base, "poll_options is required when combination_mode is set to 'poll' and must have the keys 'title', 'instructions', 'row_template', and 'assignments'") unless options[:poll_options].is_a?(Hash) && options[:poll_options][:title].present? && options[:poll_options][:instructions].present? && options[:poll_options][:row_template].present? && options[:poll_options][:assignments].to_i > 0 end end def default_options { :expected_receive_period_in_days => 2, :trigger_on => "event", :hit => { :assignments => 1, :title => "Sentiment evaluation", :description => "Please rate the sentiment of this message: '<$.message>'", :reward => 0.05, :lifetime_in_seconds => 24 * 60 * 60, :questions => [ { :type => "selection", :key => "sentiment", :name => "Sentiment", :required => "true", :question => "Please select the best sentiment value:", :selections => [ { :key => "happy", :text => "Happy" }, { :key => "sad", :text => "Sad" }, { :key => "neutral", :text => "Neutral" } ] }, { :type => "free_text", :key => "feedback", :name => "Have any feedback for us?", :required => "false", :question => "Feedback", :default => "Type here...", :min_length => "2", :max_length => "2000" } ] } } end def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].to_i.days.ago && !recent_error_logs? end def check review_hits if options[:trigger_on] == "schedule" && (memory[:last_schedule] || 0) <= - options[:submission_period].to_i * 60 * 60 memory[:last_schedule] = create_basic_hit end end def receive(incoming_events) if options[:trigger_on] == "event" incoming_events.each do |event| create_basic_hit event end end end protected def take_majority? options[:combination_mode] == "take_majority" || options[:take_majority] == "true" end def create_poll? options[:combination_mode] == "poll" end def event_for_hit(hit_id) if memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym].is_a?(Hash) Event.find_by_id(memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym][:event_id]) else nil end end def hit_type(hit_id) # Fix this: the Ruby process will slowly run out of RAM by symbolizing these unique keys. if memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym].is_a?(Hash) && memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym][:type] memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym][:type].to_sym else :user end end def review_hits reviewable_hit_ids = RTurk::GetReviewableHITs.create.hit_ids my_reviewed_hit_ids = reviewable_hit_ids & (memory[:hits] || {}) if reviewable_hit_ids.length > 0 log "MTurk reports #{reviewable_hit_ids.length} HITs, of which I own [#{my_reviewed_hit_ids.to_sentence}]" end my_reviewed_hit_ids.each do |hit_id| hit = assignments = hit.assignments log "Looking at HIT #{hit_id}. I found #{assignments.length} assignments#{" with the statuses: #{}" if assignments.length > 0}" if assignments.length == hit.max_assignments && assignments.all? { |assignment| assignment.status == "Submitted" } inbound_event = event_for_hit(hit_id) if hit_type(hit_id) == :poll # handle completed polls log "Handling a poll: #{hit_id}" scores = {} assignments.each do |assignment| assignment.answers.each do |index, rating| scores[index] ||= 0 scores[index] += rating.to_i end end top_answer = scores.to_a.sort {|b, a| a.last <=> b.last }.first.first payload = { :answers => memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym][:answers], :poll =>, :best_answer => memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym][:answers][top_answer.to_i - 1] } event = create_event :payload => payload log "Event emitted with answer(s) for poll", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => inbound_event else # handle normal completed HITs payload = { :answers => } if take_majority? counts = {} options[:hit][:questions].each do |question| question_counts = question[:selections].inject({}) { |memo, selection| memo[selection[:key]] = 0; memo } assignments.each do |assignment| answers = answer = answers[question[:key]] question_counts[answer] += 1 end counts[question[:key]] = question_counts end payload[:counts] = counts majority_answer = counts.inject({}) do |memo, (key, question_counts)| memo[key] = question_counts.to_a.sort {|a, b| a.last <=> b.last }.last.first memo end payload[:majority_answer] = majority_answer if all_questions_are_numeric? average_answer = counts.inject({}) do |memo, (key, question_counts)| sum = divisor = 0 question_counts.to_a.each do |num, count| sum += num.to_s.to_f * count divisor += count end memo[key] = sum / divisor.to_f memo end payload[:average_answer] = average_answer end end if create_poll? questions = [] selections = { |i| { :key => i+1, :text => i+1 } }.reverse assignments.length.times do |index| questions << { :type => "selection", :name => "Item #{index + 1}", :key => index, :required => "true", :question => Utils.interpolate_jsonpaths(options[:poll_options][:row_template], assignments[index].answers), :selections => selections } end poll_hit = create_hit :title => options[:poll_options][:title], :description => options[:poll_options][:instructions], :questions => questions, :assignments => options[:poll_options][:assignments], :lifetime_in_seconds => options[:poll_options][:lifetime_in_seconds], :reward => options[:poll_options][:reward], :payload => inbound_event && inbound_event.payload, :metadata => { :type => :poll, :original_hit => hit_id, :answers =>, :event_id => inbound_event && } log "Poll HIT created with ID #{} and URL #{poll_hit.url}. Original HIT: #{hit_id}", :inbound_event => inbound_event else event = create_event :payload => payload log "Event emitted with answer(s)", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => inbound_event end end assignments.each(&:approve!) hit.dispose! memory[:hits].delete(hit_id.to_sym) end end end def all_questions_are_numeric? options[:hit][:questions].all? do |question| question[:selections].all? do |selection| selection[:key] == selection[:key].to_f.to_s || selection[:key] == selection[:key].to_i.to_s end end end def create_basic_hit(event = nil) hit = create_hit :title => options[:hit][:title], :description => options[:hit][:description], :questions => options[:hit][:questions], :assignments => options[:hit][:assignments], :lifetime_in_seconds => options[:hit][:lifetime_in_seconds], :reward => options[:hit][:reward], :payload => event && event.payload, :metadata => { :event_id => event && } log "HIT created with ID #{} and URL #{hit.url}", :inbound_event => event end def create_hit(opts = {}) payload = opts[:payload] || {} title = Utils.interpolate_jsonpaths(opts[:title], payload).strip description = Utils.interpolate_jsonpaths(opts[:description], payload).strip questions = Utils.recursively_interpolate_jsonpaths(opts[:questions], payload) hit = RTurk::Hit.create(:title => title) do |hit| hit.max_assignments = (opts[:assignments] || 1).to_i hit.description = description hit.lifetime = (opts[:lifetime_in_seconds] || 24 * 60 * 60).to_i hit.question_form => title, :description => description, :questions => questions) hit.reward = (opts[:reward] || 0.05).to_f #hit.qualifications.add :approval_rate, { :gt => 80 } end memory[:hits] ||= {} memory[:hits][] = opts[:metadata] || {} hit end # RTurk Question Form class AgentQuestionForm < RTurk::QuestionForm needs :title, :description, :questions def question_form_content Overview do Title do text @title end Text do text @description end end @questions.each.with_index do |question, index| Question do QuestionIdentifier do text question[:key] || "question_#{index}" end DisplayName do text question[:name] || "Question ##{index}" end IsRequired do text question[:required] || 'true' end QuestionContent do Text do text question[:question] end end AnswerSpecification do if question[:type] == "selection" SelectionAnswer do StyleSuggestion do text 'radiobutton' end Selections do question[:selections].each do |selection| Selection do SelectionIdentifier do text selection[:key] end Text do text selection[:text] end end end end end else FreeTextAnswer do if question[:min_length].present? || question[:max_length].present? Constraints do lengths = {} lengths[:minLength] = question[:min_length].to_s if question[:min_length].present? lengths[:maxLength] = question[:max_length].to_s if question[:max_length].present? Length lengths end end if question[:default].present? DefaultText do text question[:default] end end end end end end end end end end end