# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::DataOutputAgent do let(:agent) do _agent = Agents::DataOutputAgent.new(:name => 'My Data Output Agent') _agent.options = _agent.default_options.merge('secrets' => ['secret1', 'secret2'], 'events_to_show' => 3) _agent.options['template']['item']['pubDate'] = "{{date}}" _agent.user = users(:bob) _agent.sources << agents(:bob_website_agent) _agent.save! _agent end describe "#working?" do it "checks if events have been received within expected receive period" do expect(agent).not_to be_working Agents::DataOutputAgent.async_receive agent.id, [events(:bob_website_agent_event).id] expect(agent.reload).to be_working two_days_from_now = 2.days.from_now stub(Time).now { two_days_from_now } expect(agent.reload).not_to be_working end end describe "validation" do before do expect(agent).to be_valid end it "should validate presence and length of secrets" do agent.options[:secrets] = "" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = "foo" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = "foo/bar" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = "foo.xml" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = false expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = [] expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = ["foo.xml"] expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = ["hello", true] expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = ["hello"] expect(agent).to be_valid agent.options[:secrets] = ["hello", "world"] expect(agent).to be_valid end it "should validate presence of expected_receive_period_in_days" do agent.options[:expected_receive_period_in_days] = "" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:expected_receive_period_in_days] = 0 expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:expected_receive_period_in_days] = -1 expect(agent).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of template and template.item" do agent.options[:template] = "" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:template] = {} expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:template] = { 'item' => 'foo' } expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options[:template] = { 'item' => { 'title' => 'hi' } } expect(agent).to be_valid end end describe "#receive_web_request" do before do current_time = Time.now stub(Time).now { current_time } agents(:bob_website_agent).events.destroy_all end it "requires a valid secret" do content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'fake' }, 'get', 'text/xml') expect(status).to eq(401) expect(content).to eq("Not Authorized") content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'fake' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(status).to eq(401) expect(content).to eq({ :error => "Not Authorized" }) content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret1' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(status).to eq(200) end describe "outputting events as RSS and JSON" do let!(:event1) do agents(:bob_website_agent).create_event :payload => { "site_title" => "XKCD", "url" => "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png", "title" => "Evolving", "hovertext" => "Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution." } end let!(:event2) do agents(:bob_website_agent).create_event :payload => { "site_title" => "XKCD", "url" => "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving2.png", "title" => "Evolving again", "date" => '', "hovertext" => "Something else" } end let!(:event3) do agents(:bob_website_agent).create_event :payload => { "site_title" => "XKCD", "url" => "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving0.png", "title" => "Evolving yet again with a past date", "date" => '2014/05/05', "hovertext" => "Something else" } end it "can output RSS" do stub(agent).feed_link { "https://yoursite.com" } content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret1' }, 'get', 'text/xml') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content_type).to eq('text/xml') expect(content.gsub(/\s+/, '')).to eq Utils.unindent(<<-XML).gsub(/\s+/, '') https://yoursite.com/favicon.ico XKCD comics as a feed This is a feed of recent XKCD comics, generated by Huginn https://yoursite.com #{Time.now.rfc2822} #{Time.now.rfc2822} 60 Evolving yet again with a past date Secret hovertext: Something else http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving0.png #{Time.zone.parse(event3.payload['date']).rfc2822} #{event3.id} Evolving again Secret hovertext: Something else http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving2.png #{event2.created_at.rfc2822} #{event2.id} Evolving Secret hovertext: Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png #{event1.created_at.rfc2822} #{event1.id} XML end it "can output JSON" do agent.options['template']['item']['foo'] = "hi" content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret2' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content).to eq({ 'title' => 'XKCD comics as a feed', 'description' => 'This is a feed of recent XKCD comics, generated by Huginn', 'pubDate' => Time.now, 'items' => [ { 'title' => 'Evolving yet again with a past date', 'description' => 'Secret hovertext: Something else', 'link' => 'http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving0.png', 'guid' => {"contents" => event3.id, "isPermaLink" => "false"}, 'pubDate' => Time.zone.parse(event3.payload['date']).rfc2822, 'foo' => 'hi' }, { 'title' => 'Evolving again', 'description' => 'Secret hovertext: Something else', 'link' => 'http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving2.png', 'guid' => {"contents" => event2.id, "isPermaLink" => "false"}, 'pubDate' => event2.created_at.rfc2822, 'foo' => 'hi' }, { 'title' => 'Evolving', 'description' => 'Secret hovertext: Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution.', 'link' => 'http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png', 'guid' => {"contents" => event1.id, "isPermaLink" => "false"}, 'pubDate' => event1.created_at.rfc2822, 'foo' => 'hi' } ] }) end describe 'ordering' do before do agent.options['events_order'] = ['{{title}}'] end it 'can reorder the events_to_show last events based on a Liquid expression' do asc_content, _status, _content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret2' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(asc_content['items'].map {|i| i["title"] }).to eq(["Evolving", "Evolving again", "Evolving yet again with a past date"]) agent.options['events_order'] = [['{{title}}', 'string', true]] desc_content, _status, _content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret2' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(desc_content['items']).to eq(asc_content['items'].reverse) end end describe "interpolating \"events\"" do before do agent.options['template']['title'] = "XKCD comics as a feed{% if events.first.site_title %} ({{events.first.site_title}}){% endif %}" agent.save! end it "can output RSS" do stub(agent).feed_link { "https://yoursite.com" } content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret1' }, 'get', 'text/xml') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content_type).to eq('text/xml') expect(Nokogiri(content).at('/rss/channel/title/text()').text).to eq('XKCD comics as a feed (XKCD)') end it "can output JSON" do content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret2' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content['title']).to eq('XKCD comics as a feed (XKCD)') end end describe "with a specified icon" do before do agent.options['template']['icon'] = 'https://somesite.com/icon.png' agent.save! end it "can output RSS" do stub(agent).feed_link { "https://yoursite.com" } content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret1' }, 'get', 'text/xml') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content_type).to eq('text/xml') expect(Nokogiri(content).at('/rss/channel/atom:icon/text()').text).to eq('https://somesite.com/icon.png') end end end describe "outputting nesting" do before do agent.options['template']['item']['enclosure'] = { "_attributes" => { "type" => "audio/mpeg", "url" => "{{media_url}}" } } agent.options['template']['item']['foo'] = { "_attributes" => { "attr" => "attr-value-{{foo}}" }, "_contents" => "Foo: {{foo}}" } agent.options['template']['item']['nested'] = { "_attributes" => { "key" => "value" }, "_contents" => { "title" => "some title" } } agent.options['template']['item']['simpleNested'] = { "title" => "some title", "complex" => { "_attributes" => { "key" => "value" }, "_contents" => { "first" => { "_attributes" => { "a" => "b" }, "_contents" => { "second" => "value" } } } } } agent.save! end let!(:event) do agents(:bob_website_agent).create_event :payload => { "url" => "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png", "title" => "Evolving", "hovertext" => "Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution.", "media_url" => "http://google.com/audio.mpeg", "foo" => 1 } end it "can output JSON" do content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret2' }, 'get', 'application/json') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content['items'].first).to eq( { 'title' => 'Evolving', 'description' => 'Secret hovertext: Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution.', 'link' => 'http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png', 'guid' => {"contents" => event.id, "isPermaLink" => "false"}, 'pubDate' => event.created_at.rfc2822, 'enclosure' => { "type" => "audio/mpeg", "url" => "http://google.com/audio.mpeg" }, 'foo' => { 'attr' => 'attr-value-1', 'contents' => 'Foo: 1' }, 'nested' => { "key" => "value", "title" => "some title" }, 'simpleNested' => { "title" => "some title", "complex" => { "key"=>"value", "first" => { "a" => "b", "second"=>"value" } } } } ) end it "can output RSS" do stub(agent).feed_link { "https://yoursite.com" } content, status, content_type = agent.receive_web_request({ 'secret' => 'secret1' }, 'get', 'text/xml') expect(status).to eq(200) expect(content_type).to eq('text/xml') expect(content.gsub(/\s+/, '')).to eq Utils.unindent(<<-XML).gsub(/\s+/, '') https://yoursite.com/favicon.ico XKCD comics as a feed This is a feed of recent XKCD comics, generated by Huginn https://yoursite.com #{Time.now.rfc2822} #{Time.now.rfc2822} 60 Evolving Secret hovertext: Biologists play reverse Pokemon, trying to avoid putting any one team member on the front lines long enough for the experience to cause evolution. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png #{event.created_at.rfc2822} Foo: 1 some title some title value #{event.id} XML end end end end