require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::StubhubAgent do let(:name) { 'Agent Name' } let(:url) { '' } let(:parsed_body) { JSON.parse(body)['response']['docs'][0] } let(:valid_params) { { 'url' => parsed_body['url'] } } let(:body) {'spec/data_fixtures/stubhub_data.json')) } let(:stubhub_event_id) { 12345 } let(:response_payload) { { 'url' => url, 'name' => parsed_body['seo_description_en_US'], 'date' => parsed_body['event_date_local'], 'max_price' => parsed_body['maxPrice'], 'min_price' => parsed_body['minPrice'], 'total_postings' => parsed_body['totalPostings'], 'total_tickets' => parsed_body['totalTickets'], 'venue_name' => parsed_body['venue_name'] } } before do stub_request(:get, "{stubhub_event_id}%0D%0A&rows=10&start=0&wt=json"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => body, :headers => {}) @stubhub_agent = name, options: valid_params) @stubhub_agent.user = users(:jane)! end describe "#check" do it 'should create an event' do expect { @stubhub_agent.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(1) end it 'should properly parse the response' do event = @stubhub_agent.check expect(event.payload).to eq(response_payload) end end describe "validations" do before do expect(@stubhub_agent).to be_valid end it "should require a url" do @stubhub_agent.options['url'] = nil expect(@stubhub_agent).not_to be_valid end end describe "#working?" do it "checks if events have been received within the expected receive period" do expect(@stubhub_agent).not_to be_working Agents::StubhubAgent.async_check expect(@stubhub_agent.reload).to be_working two_days_from_now = 2.days.from_now stub(Time).now { two_days_from_now } expect(@stubhub_agent.reload).not_to be_working end end end