# Changes * 0.31 (Jan 2, 2014) - Agents now have an optional keep\_events\_for option that is propagated to created events' expires\_at field, and they update their events' expires\_at fields on change. * 0.3 (Jan 1, 2014) - Remove symbolization of memory, options, and payloads; convert memory, options, and payloads to JSON from YAML. Migration will perform conversion and adjust tables to be UTF-8. Recommend making a DB backup before migrating. * 0.2 (Nov 6, 2013) - PeakDetectorAgent now uses `window_duration_in_days` and `min_peak_spacing_in_days`. Additionally, peaks trigger when the time series rises over the standard deviation multiple, not after it starts to fall. * June 29, 2013 - Removed rails\_admin because it was causing deployment issues. Better to have people install their favorite admin tool if they want one. * June, 2013 - A number of new agents have been contributed, including interfaces to Weibo, Twitter, and Twilio, as well as Agents for translation, sentiment analysis, and for posting and receiving webhooks. * March 24, 2013 (0.1) - Refactored loading of Agents for `check` and `receive` to use ids instead of full objects. This should fix the too-large delayed\_job issues. Added `system_timer` and `fastercsv` to the Gemfile for the Ruby 1.8 platform. * March 18, 2013 - Added Wiki page about the [Agent API](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki/Creating-a-new-agent). * March 17, 2013 - Switched to JSONPath for defining paths through JSON structures. The WebsiteAgent can now scrape and parse JSON.