# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. # The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). user = User.find_or_initialize_by(:email => ENV['SEED_EMAIL'] || "admin@example.com") user.username = ENV['SEED_USERNAME'] || "admin" user.password = ENV['SEED_PASSWORD'] || "password" user.password_confirmation = ENV['SEED_PASSWORD'] || "password" user.invitation_code = User::INVITATION_CODES.first user.admin = true user.save! puts puts unless user.agents.where(:name => "SF Weather Agent").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::WeatherAgent", user, :name => "SF Weather Agent", :schedule => "10pm", :options => { 'location' => "94103", 'api_key' => "put-your-key-here" }).save! puts "NOTE: The example 'SF Weather Agent' will not work until you edit it and put in a free API key from http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/" end unless user.agents.where(:name => "XKCD Source").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::WebsiteAgent", user, :name => "XKCD Source", :schedule => "every_1d", :type => "html", :options => { 'url' => "http://xkcd.com", 'mode' => "on_change", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 5, 'extract' => { 'url' => { 'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "src" }, 'title' => { 'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "alt" }, 'hovertext' => { 'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "title" } } }).save! end unless user.agents.where(:name => "iTunes Trailer Source").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::WebsiteAgent", user, :name => "iTunes Trailer Source", :schedule => "every_1d", :options => { 'url' => "http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/home/rss/newtrailers.rss", 'mode' => "on_change", 'type' => "xml", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 5, 'extract' => { 'title' => { 'css' => "item title", 'text' => true}, 'url' => { 'css' => "item link", 'text' => true} } }).save! end unless user.agents.where(:name => "Rain Notifier").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::TriggerAgent", user, :name => "Rain Notifier", :source_ids => user.agents.where(:name => "SF Weather Agent").pluck(:id), :options => { 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2", 'rules' => [{ 'type' => "regex", 'value' => "rain|storm", 'path' => "conditions" }], 'message' => "Just so you know, it looks like '' tomorrow in " }).save! end unless user.agents.where(:name => "Morning Digest").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::EmailDigestAgent", user, :name => "Morning Digest", :schedule => "6am", :options => { 'subject' => "Your Morning Digest", 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "30" }, :source_ids => user.agents.where(:name => "Rain Notifier").pluck(:id)).save! end unless user.agents.where(:name => "Afternoon Digest").exists? Agent.build_for_type("Agents::EmailDigestAgent", user, :name => "Afternoon Digest", :schedule => "5pm", :options => { 'subject' => "Your Afternoon Digest", 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "7" }, :source_ids => user.agents.where(:name => ["iTunes Trailer Source", "XKCD Source"]).pluck(:id)).save! end puts "See the Huginn Wiki for more Agent examples! https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki"