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trigger_agent.rb 3.3KB

    module Agents class TriggerAgent < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! VALID_COMPARISON_TYPES = %w[regex !regex field<value field<=value field==value field!=value field>=value field>value] description <<-MD Use a TriggerAgent to watch for a specific value in an Event payload. The `rules` array contains hashes of `path`, `value`, and `type`. The `path` value is a dotted path through a hash in [JSONPaths](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) syntax. The `type` can be one of #{VALID_COMPARISON_TYPES.map { |t| "`#{t}`" }.to_sentence} and compares with the `value`. All rules must match for the Agent to match. The resulting Event will have a payload message of `message`. You can include extractions in the message, for example: `I saw a bar of: <foo.bar>` Set `expected_receive_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being received by this Agent. MD event_description <<-MD Events look like this: { "message": "Your message" } MD def validate_options unless options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? && options['message'].present? && options['rules'].present? && options['rules'].all? { |rule| rule['type'].present? && VALID_COMPARISON_TYPES.include?(rule['type']) && rule['value'].present? && rule['path'].present? } errors.add(:base, "expected_receive_period_in_days, message, and rules, with a type, value, and path for every rule, are required") end end def default_options { 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2", 'rules' => [{ 'type' => "regex", 'value' => "foo\\d+bar", 'path' => "topkey.subkey.subkey.goal", }], 'message' => "Looks like your pattern matched in '<value>'!" } end def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago && !recent_error_logs? end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| match = options['rules'].all? do |rule| value_at_path = Utils.value_at(event['payload'], rule['path']) case rule['type'] when "regex" value_at_path.to_s =~ Regexp.new(rule['value'], Regexp::IGNORECASE) when "!regex" value_at_path.to_s !~ Regexp.new(rule['value'], Regexp::IGNORECASE) when "field>value" value_at_path.to_f > rule['value'].to_f when "field>=value" value_at_path.to_f >= rule['value'].to_f when "field<value" value_at_path.to_f < rule['value'].to_f when "field<=value" value_at_path.to_f <= rule['value'].to_f when "field==value" value_at_path.to_s == rule['value'].to_s when "field!=value" value_at_path.to_s != rule['value'].to_s else raise "Invalid type of #{rule['type']} in TriggerAgent##{id}" end end if match create_event :payload => { 'message' => make_message(event[:payload]) } # Maybe this should include the # original event as well? end end end end end