stubhub_agent.rb 2.7KB

    module Agents class StubhubAgent < Agent cannot_receive_events! description <<-MD This StubHubAgent creates an event for a given StubHub Event. It can be used to track how many tickets are available for the event and the minimum and maximum price. All that is required is that you paste in the url from the actual event, e.g. MD event_description <<-MD Events looks like this: { "url": "" "name": "Event Name" "date": "2014-08-01" "max_price": "999.99" "min_price": "100.99" "total_postings": "50" "total_tickets": "150" "venue_name": "Venue Name" } MD default_schedule "every_1d" def working? event_created_within?(1) && !recent_error_logs? end def default_options { 'url' => '' } end def validate_options errors.add(:base, 'url is required') unless options['url'].present? end def url options['url'] end def check create_event :payload => fetch_stubhub_data(url) end def fetch_stubhub_data(url) begin rescue log("There was an error fetching data for your StubHub Event") end end class StubhubFetcher def new(url).fields end def initialize(url) @url = url end def event_id /(\d*)\/{0,1}\z/.match(url)[1] end def base_url '' end def build_url base_url + "%2B+stubhubDocumentType%3Aevent%0D%0A%2B+event_id%3A#{event_id}%0D%0A&start=0&rows=10&wt=json" end def response uri = URI(build_url) Net::HTTP.get(uri) end def parse_response JSON.parse(response) end def fields stubhub_fields = parse_response['response']['docs'][0] { 'url' => url, 'name' => stubhub_fields['seo_description_en_US'], 'date' => stubhub_fields['event_date_local'], 'max_price' => stubhub_fields['maxPrice'].to_s, 'min_price' => stubhub_fields['minPrice'].to_s, 'total_postings' => stubhub_fields['totalPostings'].to_s, 'total_tickets' => stubhub_fields['totalTickets'].to_i.to_s, 'venue_name' => stubhub_fields['venue_name'] } end private attr_reader :url end end end