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weather_agent_spec.rb 857B

    require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::WeatherAgent do let(:agent) do Agents::WeatherAgent.create( name: 'weather', options: { :location => 94103, :lat => 37.779329, :lng => -122.41915, :api_key => 'test' } ).tap do |agent| agent.user = users(:bob)! end end it "creates a valid agent" do expect(agent).to be_valid end it "is valid with put-your-key-here or your-key" do agent.options['api_key'] = 'put-your-key-here' expect(agent).to be_valid expect(agent.working?).to be_falsey agent.options['api_key'] = 'your-key' expect(agent).to be_valid expect(agent.working?).to be_falsey end describe "#service" do it "doesn't have a Service object attached" do expect(agent.service).to be_nil end end end