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liquid_interpolatable.rb 3.2KB

    require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for LiquidInterpolatable do before(:each) do @valid_params = { "normal" => "just some normal text", "variable" => "{{variable}}", "text" => "Some test with an embedded {{variable}}", "escape" => "This should be {{hello_world | uri_escape}}" } @checker = new_instance = "somename" @checker.options = @valid_params @checker.user = users(:jane) @event = @event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) @event.payload = { :variable => 'hello', :hello_world => "Hello world"}! end describe "interpolating liquid templates" do it "should work" do @checker.interpolate_options(@checker.options, @event).should == { "normal" => "just some normal text", "variable" => "hello", "text" => "Some test with an embedded hello", "escape" => "This should be Hello+world" } end it "should work with arrays", focus: true do @checker.options = {"value" => ["{{variable}}", "Much array", "Hey, {{hello_world}}"]} @checker.interpolate_options(@checker.options, @event).should == { "value" => ["hello", "Much array", "Hey, Hello world"] } end it "should work recursively" do @checker.options['hash'] = {'recursive' => "{{variable}}"} @checker.options['indifferent_hash'] ={'recursive' => "{{variable}}"}) @checker.interpolate_options(@checker.options, @event).should == { "normal" => "just some normal text", "variable" => "hello", "text" => "Some test with an embedded hello", "escape" => "This should be Hello+world", "hash" => {'recursive' => 'hello'}, "indifferent_hash" => {'recursive' => 'hello'}, } end it "should work for strings" do @checker.interpolate_string("{{variable}}", @event).should == "hello" @checker.interpolate_string("{{variable}} you", @event).should == "hello you" end it "should use local variables while in a block" do @checker.options['locals'] = '{{_foo_}} {{_bar_}}' @checker.interpolation_context.tap { |context| @checker.interpolated['locals'].should == ' ' context.stack { context['_foo_'] = 'This is' context['_bar_'] = 'great.' @checker.interpolated['locals'].should == 'This is great.' } @checker.interpolated['locals'].should == ' ' } end it "should use another self object while in a block" do @checker.options['properties'] = '{{_foo_}} {{_bar_}}' @checker.interpolated['properties'].should == ' ' @checker.interpolate_with({ '_foo_' => 'That was', '_bar_' => 'nice.' }) { @checker.interpolated['properties'].should == 'That was nice.' } @checker.interpolated['properties'].should == ' ' end end describe "liquid tags" do it "should work with existing credentials" do @checker.interpolate_string("{% credential aws_key %}", {}).should == '2222222222-jane' end it "should raise an exception for undefined credentials" do expect { @checker.interpolate_string("{% credential unknown %}", {}) }.to raise_error end end end