huginn_scheduler.rb 1.8KB

    require 'rufus/scheduler' class HuginnScheduler attr_accessor :mutex def initialize @rufus_scheduler = end def stop @rufus_scheduler.stop end def run_schedule(time) with_mutex do puts "Queuing schedule for #{time}" Agent.delay.run_schedule(time) end end def propagate! with_mutex do puts "Queuing event propagation" Agent.delay.receive! end end def cleanup_expired_events! with_mutex do puts "Running event cleanup" Event.delay.cleanup_expired! end end def with_mutex ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do mutex.synchronize do yield end end end def run! self.mutex = tzinfo_friendly_timezone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone::MAPPING[ENV['TIMEZONE'].present? ? ENV['TIMEZONE'] : "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"] # Schedule event propagation. @rufus_scheduler.every '1m' do propagate! end # Schedule event cleanup. @rufus_scheduler.cron "0 0 * * * " + tzinfo_friendly_timezone do cleanup_expired_events! end # Schedule repeating events. %w[1m 2m 5m 10m 30m 1h 2h 5h 12h 1d 2d 7d].each do |schedule| @rufus_scheduler.every schedule do run_schedule "every_#{schedule}" end end # Schedule events for specific times. # Times are assumed to be in PST for now. Can store a user#timezone later. 24.times do |hour| @rufus_scheduler.cron "0 #{hour} * * * " + tzinfo_friendly_timezone do if hour == 0 run_schedule "midnight" elsif hour < 12 run_schedule "#{hour}am" elsif hour == 12 run_schedule "noon" else run_schedule "#{hour - 12}pm" end end end @rufus_scheduler.join end end