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web_request_concern.rb 2.3KB

    require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for WebRequestConcern do let(:agent) do _agent = described_class.new(:name => "some agent", :options => @valid_options || {}) _agent.user = users(:jane) _agent end describe "validations" do it "should be valid" do agent.should be_valid end it "should validate user_agent" do agent.options['user_agent'] = nil agent.should be_valid agent.options['user_agent'] = "" agent.should be_valid agent.options['user_agent'] = "foo" agent.should be_valid agent.options['user_agent'] = ["foo"] agent.should_not be_valid agent.options['user_agent'] = 1 agent.should_not be_valid end it "should validate headers" do agent.options['headers'] = "blah" agent.should_not be_valid agent.options['headers'] = "" agent.should be_valid agent.options['headers'] = {} agent.should be_valid agent.options['headers'] = { 'foo' => 'bar' } agent.should be_valid end it "should validate basic_auth" do agent.options['basic_auth'] = "foo:bar" agent.should be_valid agent.options['basic_auth'] = ["foo", "bar"] agent.should be_valid agent.options['basic_auth'] = "" agent.should be_valid agent.options['basic_auth'] = nil agent.should be_valid agent.options['basic_auth'] = "blah" agent.should_not be_valid agent.options['basic_auth'] = ["blah"] agent.should_not be_valid end end describe "User-Agent" do before do @default_http_user_agent = ENV['DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ENV['DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = nil end after do ENV['DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = @default_http_user_agent end it "should have the default value set by Faraday" do agent.user_agent.should == Faraday.new.headers[:user_agent] end it "should be overridden by the environment variable if present" do ENV['DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Huginn - https://github.com/cantino/huginn' agent.user_agent.should == 'Huginn - https://github.com/cantino/huginn' end it "should be overriden by the value in options if present" do agent.options['user_agent'] = 'Override' agent.user_agent.should == 'Override' end end end