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dotenv.rb 1.4KB

    require "dotenv/parser" require "dotenv/environment" # The top level Dotenv module. The entrypoint for the application logic. module Dotenv class << self attr_accessor :instrumenter end module_function def load(*filenames) with(*filenames) do |f| ignoring_nonexistent_files do env = Environment.new(f) instrument("dotenv.load", :env => env) { env.apply } end end end # same as `load`, but raises Errno::ENOENT if any files don't exist def load!(*filenames) with(*filenames) do |f| env = Environment.new(f) instrument("dotenv.load", :env => env) { env.apply } end end # same as `load`, but will override existing values in `ENV` def overload(*filenames) with(*filenames) do |f| ignoring_nonexistent_files do env = Environment.new(f) instrument("dotenv.overload", :env => env) { env.apply! } end end end # Internal: Helper to expand list of filenames. # # Returns a hash of all the loaded environment variables. def with(*filenames, &block) filenames << ".env" if filenames.empty? filenames.reduce({}) do |hash, filename| hash.merge! block.call(File.expand_path(filename)) || {} end end def instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) if instrumenter instrumenter.instrument(name, payload, &block) else block.call end end def ignoring_nonexistent_files yield rescue Errno::ENOENT end end