pushover_publish_agent.rb 4.3KB

    require "net/http" require "uri" module Agents class PushoverPublishAgent < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! description <<-MD The PushoverPublishAgent sends received events to [Pushover](https://pushover.net/) clients on your devices. Because Pushover has free limit of 7500 messages per application per month, to use this agent you must [set up](https://pushover.net/apps/build) your own Pushover Application and obtain unique API key. Agent needs the following mandatory parameters to work: * `api_token` - Pushover API token of application that you have set up * `user_key` - your User Key * `message_path` - [JSONPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) to the message text in the event * `expected_receive_period_in_days` - to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being consumed by this Agent Also you may add the following optional parameters: * `device` - your user's device name to send the message directly to that device, rather than all of the user's devices * `title_path` - [JSONPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) to your message's title, otherwise your registered Pushover app's name will be used * `url_path` - [JSONPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) to a supplementary URL to show with your message * `url_title_path` - [JSONPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) to a title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown * `priority` - set to -1 to always send as a quiet notification, 0 to send as notmal notification, 1 to display as [high-priority](https://pushover.net/api#priority) and bypass the user's quiet hours, or 2 to also require confirmation from the user * `retry` - if `priority` is set to 2, this parameter should be passed to specify how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user * `expiry` - if `priority` is set to 2, this parameter should be passed to specify how many seconds your notification will continue to be retried for (every `retry` seconds) * `sound` - the name of one of the [sounds](https://pushover.net/api#sounds) supported by device clients to override the user's default sound choice MD def validate_options unless options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].present? && options[:api_token].present? && options[:user_key].present? errors.add(:base, "expected_receive_period_in_days, api_token, user_key are required") end end def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].to_i.days.ago end def default_options { :expected_receive_period_in_days => "10", :api_token => "", :user_key => "", :message_path => "text", :title_path => "title", :url_path => "url", :url_title_path => "", :priority => "0", :sound => "pushover" } end def receive(events) uri = URI("https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json") Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == "https") do |http| events.each do |event| request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) post_data = { :token => options[:api_token], :user => options[:user_key], :message => Utils.value_at(event.payload, options[:message_path]) } if options.has_key?(:title_path) then post_data[:title] = Utils.value_at(event.payload, options[:title_path]) end if options.has_key?(:url_path) then post_data[:url] = Utils.value_at(event.payload, options[:url_path]) end if options.has_key?(:url_title_path) then post_data[:url_title] = Utils.value_at(event.payload, options[:url_title_path]) end if options.has_key?(:priority) then post_data[:priority] = options[:priority] end if options.has_key?(:sound) then post_data[:sound] = options[:sound] end request.set_form_data(post_data) Rails.logger.debug "PushoverPublishAgent: request: #{request.body}" response = http.request(request) Rails.logger.debug "PushoverPublishAgent: response: #{response.code} #{response.body}" end end end end end