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threaded.rb 1.1KB

    require 'thread' require 'huginn_scheduler' require 'twitter_stream' Rails.configuration.cache_classes = true STDOUT.sync = true STDERR.sync = true def stop puts 'Exiting...' @scheduler.stop @dj.stop @stream.stop end def safely(&block) begin yield block rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts "\nException #{e.message}:\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}\n\n" STDERR.puts "Terminating myself ..." STDERR.flush stop end end threads = [] threads << Thread.new do safely do @stream = TwitterStream.new @stream.run puts "Twitter stream stopped ..." end end threads << Thread.new do safely do @scheduler = HuginnScheduler.new(frequency: ENV['SCHEDULER_FREQUENCY'].presence || 0.3) @scheduler.run! puts "Scheduler stopped ..." end end threads << Thread.new do safely do require 'delayed/command' @dj = Delayed::Worker.new @dj.start puts "Delayed job stopped ..." end end # We need to wait a bit to let delayed_job set it's traps so we can override them sleep 0.5 trap('TERM') do stop end trap('INT') do stop end threads.collect { |t| t.join }