data_output_agent.rb 15KB

    module Agents class DataOutputAgent < Agent include WebRequestConcern cannot_be_scheduled! description do <<-MD The Data Output Agent outputs received events as either RSS or JSON. Use it to output a public or private stream of Huginn data. This Agent will output data at: `https://#{ENV['DOMAIN']}#{Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.web_requests_path(agent_id: ':id', user_id: user_id, secret: ':secret', format: :xml)}` where `:secret` is one of the allowed secrets specified in your options and the extension can be `xml` or `json`. You can setup multiple secrets so that you can individually authorize external systems to access your Huginn data. Options: * `secrets` - An array of tokens that the requestor must provide for light-weight authentication. * `expected_receive_period_in_days` - How often you expect data to be received by this Agent from other Agents. * `template` - A JSON object representing a mapping between item output keys and incoming event values. Use [Liquid]( to format the values. Values of the `link`, `title`, `description` and `icon` keys will be put into the \\<channel\\> section of RSS output. Value of the `self` key will be used as URL for this feed itself, which is useful when you serve it via reverse proxy. The `item` key will be repeated for every Event. The `pubDate` key for each item will have the creation time of the Event unless given. * `events_to_show` - The number of events to output in RSS or JSON. (default: `40`) * `ttl` - A value for the \\<ttl\\> element in RSS output. (default: `60`) * `ns_media` - Add [yahoo media namespace]( in output xml * `ns_itunes` - Add [itunes compatible namespace]( in output xml * `push_hubs` - Set to a list of PubSubHubbub endpoints you want to publish an update to every time this agent receives an event. (default: none) Popular hubs include [Superfeedr]( and [Google]( Note that publishing updates will make your feed URL known to the public, so if you want to keep it secret, set up a reverse proxy to serve your feed via a safe URL and specify it in `template.self`. If you'd like to output RSS tags with attributes, such as `enclosure`, use something like the following in your `template`: "enclosure": { "_attributes": { "url": "{{media_url}}", "length": "1234456789", "type": "audio/mpeg" } }, "another_tag": { "_attributes": { "key": "value", "another_key": "another_value" }, "_contents": "tag contents (can be an object for nesting)" } # Ordering events #{description_events_order('events')} DataOutputAgent will select the last `events_to_show` entries of its received events sorted in the order specified by `events_order`, which is defaulted to the event creation time. So, if you have multiple source agents that may create many events in a run, you may want to either increase `events_to_show` to have a larger "window", or specify the `events_order` option to an appropriate value (like `date_published`) so events from various sources are properly mixed in the resulted feed. There is also an option `events_list_order` that only controls the order of events listed in the final output, without attempting to maintain a total order of received events. It has the same format as `events_order` and is defaulted to `#{Utils.jsonify(DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER['events_list_order'])}` so the selected events are listed in reverse order like most popular RSS feeds list their articles. # Liquid Templating In Liquid templating, the following variable is available: * `events`: An array of events being output, sorted in the given order, up to `events_to_show` in number. For example, if source events contain a site title in the `site_title` key, you can refer to it in `template.title` by putting `{{events.first.site_title}}`. MD end def default_options { "secrets" => ["a-secret-key"], "expected_receive_period_in_days" => 2, "template" => { "title" => "XKCD comics as a feed", "description" => "This is a feed of recent XKCD comics, generated by Huginn", "item" => { "title" => "{{title}}", "description" => "Secret hovertext: {{hovertext}}", "link" => "{{url}}" } }, "ns_media" => "true" } end def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago && !recent_error_logs? end def validate_options if options['secrets'].is_a?(Array) && options['secrets'].length > 0 options['secrets'].each do |secret| case secret when %r{[/.]} errors.add(:base, "secret may not contain a slash or dot") when String else errors.add(:base, "secret must be a string") end end else errors.add(:base, "Please specify one or more secrets for 'authenticating' incoming feed requests") end unless options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? && options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i > 0 errors.add(:base, "Please provide 'expected_receive_period_in_days' to indicate how many days can pass before this Agent is considered to be not working") end unless options['template'].present? && options['template']['item'].present? && options['template']['item'].is_a?(Hash) errors.add(:base, "Please provide template and template.item") end case options['push_hubs'] when nil when Array options['push_hubs'].each do |hub| case hub when /\{/ # Liquid templating when String begin URI.parse(hub) rescue URI::Error errors.add(:base, "invalid URL found in push_hubs") break end else errors.add(:base, "push_hubs must be an array of endpoint URLs") break end end else errors.add(:base, "push_hubs must be an array") end end def events_to_show (interpolated['events_to_show'].presence || 40).to_i end def feed_ttl (interpolated['ttl'].presence || 60).to_i end def feed_title interpolated['template']['title'].presence || "#{name} Event Feed" end def feed_link interpolated['template']['link'].presence || "https://#{ENV['DOMAIN']}" end def feed_url(options = {}) interpolated['template']['self'].presence || feed_link + Rails.application.routes.url_helpers. web_requests_path(agent_id: id || ':id', user_id: user_id, secret: options[:secret], format: options[:format]) end def feed_icon interpolated['template']['icon'].presence || feed_link + '/favicon.ico' end def feed_description interpolated['template']['description'].presence || "A feed of Events received by the '#{name}' Huginn Agent" end def xml_namespace namespaces = ['xmlns:atom=""'] if (boolify(interpolated['ns_media'])) namespaces << 'xmlns:media=""' end if (boolify(interpolated['ns_itunes'])) namespaces << 'xmlns:itunes=""' end namespaces.join(' ') end def push_hubs interpolated['push_hubs'].presence || [] end DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER = { 'events_order' => nil, 'events_list_order' => [["{{_index_}}", "number", true]], } def events_order(key = SortableEvents::EVENTS_ORDER_KEY) super || DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER[key] end def latest_events(reload = false) events = if (event_ids = memory[:event_ids]) && memory[:events_order] == events_order && memory[:events_to_show] >= events_to_show received_events.where(id: event_ids).to_a else memory[:last_event_id] = nil reload = true [] end if reload memory[:events_order] = events_order memory[:events_to_show] = events_to_show new_events = if last_event_id = memory[:last_event_id] received_events.where(Event.arel_table[:id].gt(last_event_id)). order(id: :asc).to_a else source_ids.flat_map { |source_id| # dig twice as many events as the number of # `events_to_show` received_events.where(agent_id: source_id). last(2 * events_to_show) }.sort_by(&:id) end unless new_events.empty? memory[:last_event_id] = events.concat(new_events) end end events = sort_events(events).last(events_to_show) if reload memory[:event_ids] = end events end def receive_web_request(params, method, format) unless interpolated['secrets'].include?(params['secret']) if format =~ /json/ return [{ error: "Not Authorized" }, 401] else return ["Not Authorized", 401] end end source_events = sort_events(latest_events(), 'events_list_order') interpolation_context.stack do interpolation_context['events'] = source_events items = do |event| interpolated = interpolate_options(options['template']['item'], event) interpolated['guid'] = {'_attributes' => {'isPermaLink' => 'false'}, '_contents' => interpolated['guid'].presence ||} date_string = interpolated['pubDate'].to_s date = begin # may return nil rescue => e error "Error parsing a \"pubDate\" value \"#{date_string}\": #{e.message}" nil end || event.created_at interpolated['pubDate'] = date.rfc2822.to_s interpolated end now = if format =~ /json/ content = { 'title' => feed_title, 'description' => feed_description, 'pubDate' => now, 'items' => simplify_item_for_json(items) } return [content, 200] else hub_links = { |hub| <<-XML <atom:link rel="hub" href=#{hub.encode(xml: :attr)}/> XML }.join items = simplify_item_for_xml(items) .to_xml(skip_types: true, root: "items", skip_instruct: true, indent: 1) .gsub(%r{^</?items>\n}, '') return [<<-XML, 200, 'text/xml'] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0" #{xml_namespace}> <channel> <atom:link href=#{feed_url(secret: params['secret'], format: :xml).encode(xml: :attr)} rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <atom:icon>#{feed_icon.encode(xml: :text)}</atom:icon> #{hub_links} <title>#{feed_title.encode(xml: :text)}</title> <description>#{feed_description.encode(xml: :text)}</description> <link>#{feed_link.encode(xml: :text)}</link> <lastBuildDate>#{now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</lastBuildDate> <pubDate>#{now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</pubDate> <ttl>#{feed_ttl}</ttl> #{items} </channel> </rss> XML end end end def receive(incoming_events) url = feed_url(secret: interpolated['secrets'].first, format: :xml) # Reload new events and update cache latest_events(true) push_hubs.each do |hub| push_to_hub(hub, url) end end private class XMLNode def initialize(tag_name, attributes, contents) @tag_name, @attributes, @contents = tag_name, attributes, contents end def to_xml(options) if @contents.is_a?(Hash) options[:builder].tag! @tag_name, @attributes do @contents.each { |key, value| ActiveSupport::XmlMini.to_tag(key, value, options.merge(skip_instruct: true)) } end else options[:builder].tag! @tag_name, @attributes, @contents end end end def simplify_item_for_xml(item) if item.is_a?(Hash) item.each.with_object({}) do |(key, value), memo| if value.is_a?(Hash) if value.key?('_attributes') || value.key?('_contents') memo[key] =, value['_attributes'], simplify_item_for_xml(value['_contents'])) else memo[key] = simplify_item_for_xml(value) end else memo[key] = value end end elsif item.is_a?(Array) { |value| simplify_item_for_xml(value) } else item end end def simplify_item_for_json(item) if item.is_a?(Hash) item.each.with_object({}) do |(key, value), memo| if value.is_a?(Hash) if value.key?('_attributes') || value.key?('_contents') contents = if value['_contents'] && value['_contents'].is_a?(Hash) simplify_item_for_json(value['_contents']) elsif value['_contents'] { "contents" => value['_contents'] } else {} end memo[key] = contents.merge(value['_attributes'] || {}) else memo[key] = simplify_item_for_json(value) end else memo[key] = value end end elsif item.is_a?(Array) { |value| simplify_item_for_json(value) } else item end end def push_to_hub(hub, url) hub_uri = begin URI.parse(hub) rescue URI::Error nil end if !hub_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) error "Invalid push endpoint: #{hub}" return end log "Pushing #{url} to #{hub_uri}" return if dry_run? begin hub_uri, { 'hub.mode' => 'publish', 'hub.url' => url } rescue => e error "Push failed: #{e.message}" end end end end