dry_running_spec.rb 1.1KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe "Dry running an Agent", js: true do let(:formatting_agent) { agents(:bob_formatting_agent) } let(:user) { users(:bob) } let(:emitter) { agents(:bob_weather_agent) } before(:each) do login_as(user) end def open_dry_run_modal(agent) visit edit_agent_path(agent) click_on("Dry Run") expect(page).to have_text('Event to send') end context 'successful dry runs' do it 'sends escape characters correctly to the backend' do emitter.events << Event.new(payload: {data: "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}) formatting_agent.sources << emitter formatting_agent.options.merge!('instructions' => {'data' => "{{data | newline_to_br | strip_newlines | split: '<br />' | join: ','}}"}) formatting_agent.save! open_dry_run_modal(formatting_agent) find('.dry-run-event-sample').click within(:css, '.modal .builder') do expect(page).to have_text('Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3') end click_on("Dry Run") expect(page).to have_text('Line 1,Line 2,Line 3') expect(page).to have_selector(:css, 'li[role="presentation"].active a[href="#tabEvents"]') end end end