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telegram_agent_spec.rb 2.9KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::TelegramAgent do before do default_options = { auth_token: 'xxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', chat_id: 'xxxxxxxx' } @checker = name: 'Telegram Tester', options: default_options @checker.user = users(:bob)! @sent_messages = [] stub_methods end def stub_methods stub.any_instance_of(Agents::TelegramAgent).send_telegram_message do |method, params| @sent_messages << { method => params } end stub.any_instance_of(Agents::TelegramAgent).load_file do |_url| :stubbed_file end end def event_with_payload(payload) event = event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event.payload = payload! event end describe 'validation' do before do expect(@checker).to be_valid end it 'should validate presence of of auth_token' do @checker.options[:auth_token] = '' expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it 'should validate presence of of chat_id' do @checker.options[:chat_id] = '' expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end end describe '#receive' do it 'processes multiple events properly' do event_0 = event_with_payload text: 'Looks like its going to rain' event_1 = event_with_payload text: 'Another text message' @checker.receive [event_0, event_1] expect(@sent_messages).to eq([ { sendMessage: { text: 'Looks like its going to rain' } }, { sendMessage: { text: 'Another text message' } } ]) end it 'accepts photo key and uses :send_photo to send the file' do event = event_with_payload photo: '' @checker.receive [event] expect(@sent_messages).to eq([{ sendPhoto: { photo: :stubbed_file } }]) end it 'accepts audio key and uses :send_audio to send the file' do event = event_with_payload audio: '' @checker.receive [event] expect(@sent_messages).to eq([{ sendAudio: { audio: :stubbed_file } }]) end it 'accepts document key and uses :send_document to send the file' do event = event_with_payload document: '' @checker.receive [event] expect(@sent_messages).to eq([{ sendDocument: { document: :stubbed_file } }]) end it 'accepts video key and uses :send_video to send the file' do event = event_with_payload video: '' @checker.receive [event] expect(@sent_messages).to eq([{ sendVideo: { video: :stubbed_file } }]) end end describe '#working?' do it 'is not working without having received an event' do expect(@checker).not_to be_working end it 'is working after receiving an event without error' do @checker.last_receive_at = expect(@checker).to be_working end end end