command_agent.rb 2.9KB

    module Agents class CommandAgent < Agent require 'open3' default_schedule "midnight" description <<-MD The CommandAgent can execute commands on your local system, returning the output. `command` specifies the command to be executed, and `path` will tell CommandAgent in what directory to run this command. `expected_update_period_in_days` is used to determine if the Agent is working. CommandAgent can also act upon recieveing events. These events may contain their own path and command arguments. If they do not, CommandAgent will use the configured options. For this reason, please specify defaults even if you are planning to have this Agent respond to events. The resulting event will contain the `command` which was executed, the `path` it was executed under, the `exit_status` of the command, the `errors`, and the actual `output`. CommandAgent will not log an error if the result implies that something went wrong. *Warning*: Misuse of this Agent can pose a security threat. MD event_description <<-MD Events look like this: { 'command' => 'pwd', 'path' => '/home/Huginn', 'exit_status' => '0', 'errors' => '', 'output' => '/home/Huginn' } MD def default_options { 'path' => "/home", 'command' => "pwd", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 1 } end def validate_options unless options['path'].present? && options['command'].present? && options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? errors.add(:base, "The path, command, and expected_update_period_in_days fields are all required.") end unless['path']) errors.add(:base, "#{options['path']} is not a real directory.") end end def working? event_created_within?(options['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs? end def exec_command(opts = options) command = opts['command'] || options['command'] path = opts['path'] || options['path'] result = nil errors = nil exit_status = nil Dir.chdir(path){ begin stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(command) exit_status = wait_thr.value.to_i result = stdout.gets(nil) errors = stderr.gets(nil) rescue Exception => e errors = e.to_s end } result.chomp! if result.is_a?(String) result = '' if result.nil? errors = '' if errors.nil? vals = {"command" => command, "path" => path, "exit_status" => exit_status, "errors" => errors, "output" => result} evnt = create_event :payload => vals log("Ran '#{command}' under '#{path}'", :outbound_event => evnt) end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| exec_command(event.payload) end end def check exec_command(options) end end end