twilio_agent.rb 2.2KB

    require 'twilio-ruby' module Agents class TwilioAgent < Agent default_schedule "every_10m" description <<-MD The TwilioAgent receives and collects events and sends them via text message when scheduled. It is assumed that events have a `:message`, `:text`, or `:sms` key, the value of which is sent as the content of the text message. You can use Event Formatting Agent if your event does not provide these keys. Set `receiver_cell` to the number to receive text messages and `sender_cell` to the number sending them. `expected_receive_period_in_days` is maximum number of days that you would expect to pass between events being received by this agent. MD def default_options { :account_sid => 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', :auth_token => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', :sender_cell => 'xxxxxxxxxx', :receiver_cell => 'xxxxxxxxxx', :expected_receive_period_in_days => 'x' } end def validate_options unless options[:account_sid].present? && options[:auth_token].present? && options[:sender_cell].present? && options[:receiver_cell].present? && options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].present? errors.add(:base, 'account_sid, auth_token, sender_cell, receiver_cell, and expected_receive_period_in_days are all required') end end def receive(incoming_events) memory[:queue] ||= [] incoming_events.each do |event| memory[:queue] << event.payload end end def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options[:expected_receive_period_in_days].to_i.days.ago end def send_message(client, message) client.account.sms.messages.create(:from => options[:sender_cell], :to => options[:receiver_cell], :body => message) end def check if memory[:queue] && memory[:queue].length > 0 @client =[:account_sid], options[:auth_token]) memory[:queue].each do |text| message = text[:message] || text[:text] || text[:sms] if message message.slice! 160, message.length send_message @client, message end end memory[:queue] = [] end end end end