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web_request_concern.rb 4.4KB

    require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' module WebRequestConcern module DoNotEncoder def self.encode(params) do |key, value| value.nil? ? "#{key}" : "#{key}=#{value}" end.join('&') end def self.decode(val) [val] end end class CharacterEncoding < Faraday::Middleware def initialize(app, force_encoding: nil, default_encoding: nil, unzip: nil) super(app) @force_encoding = force_encoding @default_encoding = default_encoding @unzip = unzip end def call(env) do |env| body = env[:body] case @unzip when 'gzip'.freeze body.replace(ActiveSupport::Gzip.decompress(body)) end case when @force_encoding encoding = @force_encoding when body.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT # Not all Faraday adapters support automatic charset # detection, so we do that. case env[:response_headers][:content_type] when /;\s*charset\s*=\s*([^()<>@,;:\\\"\/\[\]?={}\s]+)/i encoding = Encoding.find($1) rescue nil when /\A\s*(?:text\/[^\s;]+|application\/(?:[^\s;]+\+)?(?:xml|json))\s*(?:;|\z)/i encoding = @default_encoding else # Never try to transcode a binary content next end end body.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, encoding) unless body.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 end end end Faraday::Response.register_middleware character_encoding: CharacterEncoding extend ActiveSupport::Concern def validate_web_request_options! if options['user_agent'].present? errors.add(:base, "user_agent must be a string") unless options['user_agent'].is_a?(String) end if options['disable_ssl_verification'].present? && boolify(options['disable_ssl_verification']).nil? errors.add(:base, "if provided, disable_ssl_verification must be true or false") end unless headers(options['headers']).is_a?(Hash) errors.add(:base, "if provided, headers must be a hash") end begin basic_auth_credentials(options['basic_auth']) rescue ArgumentError => e errors.add(:base, e.message) end if (encoding = options['force_encoding']).present? case encoding when String begin Encoding.find(encoding) rescue ArgumentError errors.add(:base, "Unknown encoding: #{encoding.inspect}") end else errors.add(:base, "force_encoding must be a string") end end end def default_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 end def faraday faraday_options = { ssl: { verify: !boolify(options['disable_ssl_verification']) } } @faraday ||= { |builder| builder.response :character_encoding, force_encoding: interpolated['force_encoding'].presence, default_encoding: default_encoding, unzip: interpolated['unzip'].presence builder.headers = headers if headers.length > 0 builder.headers[:user_agent] = user_agent builder.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects builder.request :url_encoded if boolify(interpolated['disable_url_encoding']) builder.options.params_encoder = DoNotEncoder end if userinfo = basic_auth_credentials builder.request :basic_auth, *userinfo end builder.use FaradayMiddleware::Gzip case backend = faraday_backend when :typhoeus require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday' end builder.adapter backend } end def headers(value = interpolated['headers']) value.presence || {} end def basic_auth_credentials(value = interpolated['basic_auth']) case value when nil, '' return nil when Array return value if value.size == 2 when /:/ return value.split(/:/, 2) end raise"bad value for basic_auth: #{value.inspect}") end def faraday_backend ENV.fetch('FARADAY_HTTP_BACKEND', 'typhoeus').to_sym end def user_agent interpolated['user_agent'].presence || self.class.default_user_agent end module ClassMethods def default_user_agent ENV.fetch('DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_AGENT', "Huginn -") end end end