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utils.rb 1.7KB

    require 'jsonpath' require 'cgi' module Utils def self.unindent(s) s = s.gsub(/\t/, ' ').chomp min = ((s.split("\n").find {|l| l !~ /^\s*$/ })[/^\s+/, 0] || "").length if min > 0 s.gsub(/^#{" " * min}/, "") else s end end def self.pretty_print(struct, indent = true) output = JSON.pretty_generate(struct) if indent output.gsub(/\n/i, "\n ").tap { |a| p a } else output end end def self.recursively_symbolize_keys(object) case object when Hash object.inject({}) {|memo, (k, v)| memo[String === k ? k.to_sym : k] = recursively_symbolize_keys(v); memo } when Array { |item| recursively_symbolize_keys item } else object end end def self.value_at(data, path) values_at(data, path).first end def self.values_at(data, path) if path =~ /\Aescape / path.gsub!(/\Aescape /, '') escape = true else escape = false end result =, :allow_eval => false).on(data.is_a?(String) ? data : data.to_json) if escape {|r| CGI::escape r } else result end end # Output JSON that is ready for inclusion into HTML. If you simply use to_json on an object, the # presence of </script> in the valid JSON can break the page and allow XSS attacks. # Optionally, pass `:skip_safe => true` to not call html_safe on the output. def self.jsonify(thing, options = {}) json = thing.to_json.gsub('</', '<\/') if !options[:skip_safe] json.html_safe else json end end def self.pretty_jsonify(thing) JSON.pretty_generate(thing).gsub('</', '<\/') end end