12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
- require 'spec_helper'
- describe Utils do
- describe "#value_at" do
- it "returns the value at a JSON path" do
- Utils.value_at({ :foo => { :bar => :baz }}.to_json, "foo.bar").should == "baz"
- Utils.value_at({ :foo => { :bar => { :bing => 2 } }}, "foo.bar.bing").should == 2
- end
- it "returns nil when the path cannot be followed" do
- Utils.value_at({ :foo => { :bar => :baz }}, "foo.bing").should be_nil
- end
- it "does not eval" do
- lambda {
- Utils.value_at({ :foo => 2 }, "foo[?(@ > 1)]")
- }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Cannot use .*? eval/)
- end
- end
- describe "#values_at" do
- it "returns arrays of matching values" do
- Utils.values_at({ :foo => { :bar => :baz }}, "foo.bar").should == %w[baz]
- Utils.values_at({ :foo => [ { :bar => :baz }, { :bar => :bing } ]}, "foo[*].bar").should == %w[baz bing]
- Utils.values_at({ :foo => [ { :bar => :baz }, { :bar => :bing } ]}, "foo[*].bar").should == %w[baz bing]
- end
- end
- end