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email_digest_agent.rb 2.5KB

    module Agents class EmailDigestAgent < Agent include EmailConcern default_schedule "5am" cannot_create_events! description <<-MD The Email Digest Agent collects any Events sent to it and sends them all via email when scheduled. By default, the will have a `subject` and an optional `headline` before listing the Events. If the Events' payloads contain a `message`, that will be highlighted, otherwise everything in their payloads will be shown. You can specify one or more `recipients` for the email, or skip the option in order to send the email to your account's default email address. You can provide a `from` address for the email, or leave it blank to default to the value of `EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS` (`#{ENV['EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS']}`). You can provide a `content_type` for the email and specify `text/plain` or `text/html` to be sent. If you do not specify `content_type`, then the recipient email server will determine the correct rendering. Set `expected_receive_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being received by this Agent. MD def default_options { 'subject' => "You have some notifications!", 'headline' => "Your notifications:", 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2" } end def working? received_event_without_error? end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| self.memory['queue'] ||= [] self.memory['queue'] << event.payload self.memory['events'] ||= [] self.memory['events'] << end end def check if self.memory['queue'] && self.memory['queue'].length > 0 ids = self.memory['events'].join(",") groups = self.memory['queue'].map { |payload| present(payload) } recipients.each do |recipient| begin SystemMailer.send_message( to: recipient, from: interpolated['from'], subject: interpolated['subject'], headline: interpolated['headline'], content_type: interpolated['content_type'], groups: groups ).deliver_now log "Sent digest mail to #{recipient} with events [#{ids}]" rescue => e error("Error sending digest mail to #{recipient} with events [#{ids}]: #{e.message}") raise end end self.memory['queue'] = [] self.memory['events'] = [] end end end end