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http_status_agent_spec.rb 7.0KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe 'HttpStatusAgent' do let(:agent) do Agents::HttpStatusAgent.new(:name => SecureRandom.uuid, :options => valid_params).tap do |a| a.service = services(:generic) a.user = users(:jane) a.options['url'] = 'http://google.com' a.save! def a.interpolate_with(e, &block) @the_event = e block.call end def a.interpolated @the_event.payload end def a.create_event event @the_created_events ||= [] @the_created_events << event end def a.the_created_events @the_created_events || [] end def a.faraday @faraday ||= Struct.new(:programmed_responses).new({}).tap do |f| def f.get url programmed_responses[url] || raise('invalid url') end def f.set url, response, time = nil sleep(time/1000) if time programmed_responses[url] = response end end end end end let(:valid_params) { {} } describe "working" do it "should be working when the last status is 200" do agent.memory['last_status'] = '200' expect(agent.working?).to eq(true) end it "should be working when the last status is 304" do agent.memory['last_status'] = '304' expect(agent.working?).to eq(true) end it "should not be working if the status is 0" do agent.memory['last_status'] = '0' expect(agent.working?).to eq(false) end it "should not be working if the status is missing" do agent.memory['last_status'] = nil expect(agent.working?).to eq(false) end it "should not be working if the status is -1" do agent.memory['last_status'] = '-1' expect(agent.working?).to eq(false) end end describe "check" do before do def agent.interpolated @interpolated ||= { :url => SecureRandom.uuid } end def agent.check_this_url url @url = url end def agent.checked_url @url end end it "should check the url" do agent.check expect(agent.checked_url).to eq(agent.interpolated[:url]) end end describe "receive" do describe "with an event with a successful ping" do let(:successful_url) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:status_code) { 200 } let(:event_with_a_successful_ping) do agent.faraday.set(successful_url, Struct.new(:status).new(status_code)) Event.new.tap { |e| e.payload = { url: successful_url } } end let(:events) do [event_with_a_successful_ping] end it "should create one event" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events.count).to eq(1) end it "should note that the successful response succeeded" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['response_received']).to eq(true) end it "should return the status code" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['status']).to eq('200') end it "should remember the status" do agent.receive events expect(agent.memory['last_status']).to eq('200') end describe "but the status code is not 200" do let(:status_code) { 500 } it "should return the status code" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['status']).to eq('500') end it "should remember the status" do agent.receive events expect(agent.memory['last_status']).to eq('500') end end it "should return the original url" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['url']).to eq(successful_url) end describe "but the ping returns a status code of 0" do let(:event_with_a_successful_ping) do agent.faraday.set(successful_url, Struct.new(:status).new(0)) Event.new.tap { |e| e.payload = { url: successful_url } } end it "should create one event" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events.count).to eq(1) end it "should note that no response was received" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['response_received']).to eq(false) end it "should return the original url" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['url']).to eq(successful_url) end it "should remember no status" do agent.memory['last_status'] = '200' agent.receive events expect(agent.memory['last_status']).to be_nil end end describe "but the ping returns a status code of -1" do let(:event_with_a_successful_ping) do agent.faraday.set(successful_url, Struct.new(:status).new(-1)) Event.new.tap { |e| e.payload = { url: successful_url } } end it "should create one event" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events.count).to eq(1) end it "should note that no response was received" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['response_received']).to eq(false) end it "should return the original url" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['url']).to eq(successful_url) end end describe "and with one event with a failing ping" do let(:failing_url) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:event_with_a_failing_ping) { Event.new.tap { |e| e.payload = { url: failing_url } } } let(:events) do [event_with_a_successful_ping, event_with_a_failing_ping] end it "should create two events" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events.count).to eq(2) end it "should note that the failed response failed" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[1][:payload]['response_received']).to eq(false) end it "should note that the successful response succeeded" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['response_received']).to eq(true) end it "should return the original url on both events" do agent.receive events expect(agent.the_created_events[0][:payload]['url']).to eq(successful_url) expect(agent.the_created_events[1][:payload]['url']).to eq(failing_url) end end end describe "validations" do before do expect(agent).to be_valid end it "should validate url" do agent.options['url'] = "" expect(agent).not_to be_valid agent.options['url'] = "http://www.google.com" expect(agent).to be_valid end end end end