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Dockerfile 1.6KB

    FROM ubuntu # MAINTAINER Someone <> # Update package list RUN apt-get update # Set environmental variables ENV HOME /root ENV RBENV_ROOT $HOME/.rbenv ENV RUBY_VERSION 1.9.3-p545 ENV RUBYGEMS_VERSION 2.2.2 ENV PATH $HOME/.rbenv/shims:$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$RBENV_ROOT/versions/$RUBY_VERSION/bin:$PATH # Install OS packages RUN apt-get install -y build-essential curl zlib1g-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev git libmysqlclient-dev RUN git clone $HOME/.rbenv RUN git clone $HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build # install & set global ruby version RUN rbenv install $RUBY_VERSION RUN rbenv global $RUBY_VERSION WORKDIR /usr/local/src RUN curl -O$RUBYGEMS_VERSION.tgz RUN tar -xvf rubygems-$RUBYGEMS_VERSION.tgz RUN cd rubygems-$RUBYGEMS_VERSION ; ruby setup.rb RUN gem install bundle RUN mkdir huginn WORKDIR huginn # Add Gemfiles and run bundle ahead of time # This way bundle does not have to rerun unless the Gemfile changes # It drastically speeds up rebuilds ADD Gemfile /usr/local/src/huginn/ ADD Procfile /usr/local/src/huginn/ ADD Gemfile.lock /usr/local/src/huginn/ RUN bundle # Now add the rest of the source ADD . /usr/local/src/huginn/ RUN rm -rf /usr/local/src/huginn/.env # Add the environmental variables this way so that the -e option can override them ENV DATABASE_HOST db ENV DATABASE_NAME huginn ENV DATABASE_USERNAME huginn # Expose the Rails port to the rest of the world EXPOSE 3000 # Default command - optimized for upgradability CMD ["foreman", "start"]