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Make sure you have Vagrant and Virtualbox(Not necessary, if deploying to AWS) installed. Install librarian-chef gem

gem install librarian-chef

And Vagrant plugins

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Move to /deployment and run

librarian-chef install

This will install all the cookbooks mentioned in Cheffile.

To install Huginn on AWS, fill the Vagrantfile with your account details and run

vagrant up ec2 --provider=aws

To install it on a virtualbox VM:

vagrant up vb

It'll install huginn and get the server started. You can now go to to use huginn if you are in virtualbox. On ec2, pointing to public DNS will let you access huginn. Huginn will be at /home/huginn/huginn. A new dedicated user will be created for managing huginn with username huginn and password huginn. To ssh into ec2:

vagrant ssh ec2

Similarly, to ssh into VirtualBox

vagrant ssh vb

After ssh-ing into ec2, you can start(its already running), stop or restart huginn by

sudo start huginn
sudo stop huginn
sudo restart huginn

To terminate ec2 instance:

vagrant destroy ec2

Similarly, to destroy VirtualBox VM

vagrant destroy vb