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weibo_user_agent.rb 3.7KB

    # encoding: utf-8 require "weibo_2" module Agents class WeiboUserAgent < Agent include WeiboConcern cannot_receive_events! description <<-MD The WeiboUserAgent follows the timeline of a specified Weibo user. It uses this endpoint: http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/statuses/user_timeline/en You must first set up a Weibo app and generate an `acess_token` to authenticate with. Provide that, along with the `app_key` and `app_secret` for your Weibo app in the options. Specify the `uid` of the Weibo user whose timeline you want to watch. Set `expected_update_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being created by this Agent. MD event_description <<-MD Events are the raw JSON provided by the Weibo API. Should look something like: { "created_at": "Tue May 31 17:46:55 +0800 2011", "id": 11488058246, "text": "求关注。", "source": "<a href=\"http://weibo.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">新浪微博</a>", "favorited": false, "truncated": false, "in_reply_to_status_id": "", "in_reply_to_user_id": "", "in_reply_to_screen_name": "", "geo": null, "mid": "5612814510546515491", "reposts_count": 8, "comments_count": 9, "annotations": [], "user": { "id": 1404376560, "screen_name": "zaku", "name": "zaku", "province": "11", "city": "5", "location": "北京 朝阳区", "description": "人生五十年,乃如梦如幻;有生斯有死,壮士复何憾。", "url": "http://blog.sina.com.cn/zaku", "profile_image_url": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/50/0/1", "domain": "zaku", "gender": "m", "followers_count": 1204, "friends_count": 447, "statuses_count": 2908, "favourites_count": 0, "created_at": "Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 +0800 2009", "following": false, "allow_all_act_msg": false, "remark": "", "geo_enabled": true, "verified": false, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_large": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/180/0/1", "verified_reason": "", "follow_me": false, "online_status": 0, "bi_followers_count": 215 } } MD default_schedule "every_1h" def validate_options unless options['uid'].present? && options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? errors.add(:base, "expected_update_period_in_days and uid are required") end end def working? event_created_within?(options['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs? end def default_options { 'uid' => "", 'access_token' => "---", 'app_key' => "---", 'app_secret' => "---", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => "2" } end def check since_id = memory['since_id'] || nil opts = {:uid => options['uid'].to_i} opts.merge! :since_id => since_id unless since_id.nil? # http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/statuses/user_timeline/en resp = weibo_client.statuses.user_timeline opts if resp[:statuses] resp[:statuses].each do |status| memory['since_id'] = status.id if !memory['since_id'] || (status.id > memory['since_id']) create_event :payload => status.as_json end end save! end end end