user_credentials_controller_spec.rb 3.9KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe UserCredentialsController do def valid_attributes(options = {}) { :credential_name => "some_name", :credential_value => "some_value" }.merge(options) end before do sign_in users(:bob) @file = fixture_file_upload('user_credentials.json') end describe "GET index" do it "only returns UserCredentials for the current user" do get :index expect(assigns(:user_credentials).all? {|i| expect(i.user).to eq(users(:bob)) }).to be_truthy end end describe "GET edit" do it "only shows UserCredentials for the current user" do get :edit, :id => user_credentials(:bob_aws_secret).to_param expect(assigns(:user_credential)).to eq(user_credentials(:bob_aws_secret)) expect { get :edit, :id => user_credentials(:jane_aws_secret).to_param }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "Post import" do it "asserts user credentials were created for current user only" do post :import, :file => @file expect( eq(users(:bob).id) expect(controller.current_user.user_credentials).to eq(users(:bob).user_credentials) end it "asserts that primary id in json file is ignored" do post :import, :file => @file expect( eq(24) end it "duplicate credential name shows an error that it is not saved" do file1 = fixture_file_upload('multiple_user_credentials.json') post :import, :file => file1 expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("One or more of the uploaded credentials was not imported due to an error. Perhaps an existing credential had the same name?") expect(response).to redirect_to(user_credentials_path) end end describe "POST create" do it "creates UserCredentials for the current user" do expect { post :create, :user_credential => valid_attributes }.to change { users(:bob).user_credentials.count }.by(1) end it "shows errors" do expect { post :create, :user_credential => valid_attributes(:credential_name => "") }.not_to change { users(:bob).user_credentials.count } expect(assigns(:user_credential)).to have(1).errors_on(:credential_name) expect(response).to render_template("new") end it "will not create UserCredentials for other users" do expect { post :create, :user_credential => valid_attributes(:user_id => users(:jane).id) }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error) end end describe "PUT update" do it "updates attributes on UserCredentials for the current user" do post :update, :id => user_credentials(:bob_aws_key).to_param, :user_credential => { :credential_name => "new_name" } expect(response).to redirect_to(user_credentials_path) expect(user_credentials(:bob_aws_key).reload.credential_name).to eq("new_name") expect { post :update, :id => user_credentials(:jane_aws_key).to_param, :user_credential => { :credential_name => "new_name" } }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(user_credentials(:jane_aws_key).reload.credential_name).not_to eq("new_name") end it "shows errors" do post :update, :id => user_credentials(:bob_aws_key).to_param, :user_credential => { :credential_name => "" } expect(assigns(:user_credential)).to have(1).errors_on(:credential_name) expect(response).to render_template("edit") end end describe "DELETE destroy" do it "destroys only UserCredentials owned by the current user" do expect { delete :destroy, :id => user_credentials(:bob_aws_key).to_param }.to change(UserCredential, :count).by(-1) expect { delete :destroy, :id => user_credentials(:jane_aws_key).to_param }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end