20121223203701_create_delayed_jobs.rb 1.2KB

  1. class CreateDelayedJobs < ActiveRecord::Migration
  2. def self.up
  3. create_table :delayed_jobs, :force => true do |table|
  4. table.integer :priority, :default => 0 # Allows some jobs to jump to the front of the queue
  5. table.integer :attempts, :default => 0 # Provides for retries, but still fail eventually.
  6. table.text :handler # YAML-encoded string of the object that will do work
  7. table.text :last_error # reason for last failure (See Note below)
  8. table.datetime :run_at # When to run. Could be Time.zone.now for immediately, or sometime in the future.
  9. table.datetime :locked_at # Set when a client is working on this object
  10. table.datetime :failed_at # Set when all retries have failed (actually, by default, the record is deleted instead)
  11. table.string :locked_by # Who is working on this object (if locked)
  12. table.string :queue # The name of the queue this job is in
  13. table.timestamps
  14. end
  15. add_index :delayed_jobs, [:priority, :run_at], :name => 'delayed_jobs_priority'
  16. end
  17. def self.down
  18. drop_table :delayed_jobs
  19. end
  20. end