adioso_agent.rb 2.3KB

    module Agents class AdiosoAgent < Agent cannot_receive_events! default_schedule "every_1d" description <<-MD Adioso Agent will tell you about the minimum airline prices between a pair of cities, and between a certain period of time. Currency is USD, Please make sure difference between `start_date` and `end_date` is less than 150 days. You will need to contact [Adioso]( for `username` and `password`. MD event_description <<-MD If flights are present then events look like: { "cost" : 75.23, "date" : "June 25, 2013", "route" : "New York to Chicago" } otherwise { "nonetodest" : "No flights found to the specified destination" } MD def default_options { :start_date =>[0..15], :end_date =>[0..15], :from => "New York", :to => "Chicago", :username => "xx", :password => "xx", :expected_update_period_in_days => "1" } end def working? (event = event_created_within(options[:expected_update_period_in_days].to_i.days)) && event.payload.present? end def validate_options unless %w[start_date end_date from to username password expected_update_period_in_days].all? { |field| options[field.to_sym].present? } errors.add(:base, "All fields are required") end end def date_to_unix_epoch(date) date.to_time.to_i end def check auth_options = {:basic_auth => {:username =>options[:username], :password=>options[:password]}} parse_response = HTTParty.get "{URI.encode(options[:from])}+to+#{URI.encode(options[:to])}", auth_options fare_request = parse_response["search_url"].gsub /(end=)(\d*)([^\d]*)(\d*)/, "\\1#{date_to_unix_epoch(options[:end_date])}\\3#{date_to_unix_epoch(options[:start_date])}" fare = HTTParty.get fare_request, auth_options unless fare["warnings"] event = fare["results"].min {|a,b| a["cost"] <=> b["cost"]} event["date"] =["date"]).to_date.httpdate[0..15] event["route"] = "#{options[:from]} to #{options[:to]}" create_event :payload => event else create_event :payload => fare["warnings"] end end end end