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website_agent_spec.rb 8.5KB

    require 'spec_helper' describe Agents::WebsiteAgent do describe "checking without basic auth" do before do stub_request(:any, /xkcd/).to_return(:body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/xkcd.html")), :status => 200) @site = { 'name' => "XKCD", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "html", 'url' => "http://xkcd.com", 'mode' => 'on_change', 'extract' => { 'url' => {'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "src"}, 'title' => {'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "title"} } } @checker = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "xkcd", :options => @site, :keep_events_for => 2) @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.save! end describe "#check" do it "should validate the integer fields" do @checker.options['expected_update_period_in_days'] = "nonsense" lambda { @checker.save! }.should raise_error; @checker.options['expected_update_period_in_days'] = "2" @checker.options['uniqueness_look_back'] = "nonsense" lambda { @checker.save! }.should raise_error; @checker.options['mode'] = "nonsense" lambda { @checker.save! }.should raise_error; @checker.options = @site end it "should check for changes (and update Event.expires_at)" do lambda { @checker.check }.should change { Event.count }.by(1) event = Event.last sleep 2 lambda { @checker.check }.should_not change { Event.count } update_event = Event.last update_event.expires_at.should_not == event.expires_at end it "should always save events when in :all mode" do lambda { @site['mode'] = 'all' @checker.options = @site @checker.check @checker.check }.should change { Event.count }.by(2) end it "should take uniqueness_look_back into account during deduplication" do @site['mode'] = 'all' @checker.options = @site @checker.check @checker.check event = Event.last event.payload = "{}" event.save lambda { @site['mode'] = 'on_change' @site['uniqueness_look_back'] = 2 @checker.options = @site @checker.check }.should_not change { Event.count } lambda { @site['mode'] = 'on_change' @site['uniqueness_look_back'] = 1 @checker.options = @site @checker.check }.should change { Event.count }.by(1) end it "should log an error if the number of results for a set of extraction patterns differs" do @site['extract']['url']['css'] = "div" @checker.options = @site @checker.check @checker.logs.first.message.should =~ /Got an uneven number of matches/ end end describe '#working?' do it 'checks if events have been received within the expected receive period' do stubbed_time = Time.now stub(Time).now { stubbed_time } @checker.should_not be_working # No events created @checker.check @checker.reload.should be_working # Just created events @checker.error "oh no!" @checker.reload.should_not be_working # There is a recent error stubbed_time = 20.minutes.from_now @checker.events.delete_all @checker.check @checker.reload.should be_working # There is a newer event now stubbed_time = 2.days.from_now @checker.reload.should_not be_working # Two days have passed without a new event having been created end end describe "parsing" do it "parses CSS" do @checker.check event = Event.last event.payload['url'].should == "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/evolving.png" event.payload['title'].should =~ /^Biologists play reverse/ end it "should turn relative urls to absolute" do rel_site = { 'name' => "XKCD", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "html", 'url' => "http://xkcd.com", 'mode' => "on_change", 'extract' => { 'url' => {'css' => "#topLeft a", 'attr' => "href"}, 'title' => {'css' => "#topLeft a", 'text' => "true"} } } rel = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "xkcd", :options => rel_site) rel.user = users(:bob) rel.save! rel.check event = Event.last event.payload['url'].should == "http://xkcd.com/about" end describe "JSON" do it "works with paths" do json = { 'response' => { 'version' => 2, 'title' => "hello!" } } stub_request(:any, /json-site/).to_return(:body => json.to_json, :status => 200) site = { 'name' => "Some JSON Response", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "json", 'url' => "http://json-site.com", 'mode' => 'on_change', 'extract' => { 'version' => {'path' => "response.version"}, 'title' => {'path' => "response.title"} } } checker = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "Weather Site", :options => site) checker.user = users(:bob) checker.save! checker.check event = Event.last event.payload['version'].should == 2 event.payload['title'].should == "hello!" end it "can handle arrays" do json = { 'response' => { 'data' => [ {'title' => "first", 'version' => 2}, {'title' => "second", 'version' => 2.5} ] } } stub_request(:any, /json-site/).to_return(:body => json.to_json, :status => 200) site = { 'name' => "Some JSON Response", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "json", 'url' => "http://json-site.com", 'mode' => 'on_change', 'extract' => { :title => {'path' => "response.data[*].title"}, :version => {'path' => "response.data[*].version"} } } checker = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "Weather Site", :options => site) checker.user = users(:bob) checker.save! lambda { checker.check }.should change { Event.count }.by(2) event = Event.all[-1] event.payload['version'].should == 2.5 event.payload['title'].should == "second" event = Event.all[-2] event.payload['version'].should == 2 event.payload['title'].should == "first" end it "stores the whole object if :extract is not specified" do json = { 'response' => { 'version' => 2, 'title' => "hello!" } } stub_request(:any, /json-site/).to_return(:body => json.to_json, :status => 200) site = { 'name' => "Some JSON Response", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "json", 'url' => "http://json-site.com", 'mode' => 'on_change' } checker = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "Weather Site", :options => site) checker.user = users(:bob) checker.save! checker.check event = Event.last event.payload['response']['version'].should == 2 event.payload['response']['title'].should == "hello!" end end end end describe "checking with http basic auth" do before do stub_request(:any, /user:pass/).to_return(:body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/xkcd.html")), :status => 200) @site = { 'name' => "XKCD", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 2, 'type' => "html", 'url' => "http://www.example.com", 'mode' => 'on_change', 'extract' => { 'url' => {'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "src"}, 'title' => {'css' => "#comic img", 'attr' => "title"} }, 'basic_auth' => "user:pass" } @checker = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(:name => "auth", :options => @site) @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.save! end describe "#check" do it "should check for changes" do lambda { @checker.check }.should change { Event.count }.by(1) lambda { @checker.check }.should_not change { Event.count } end end end end