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twilio_agent_spec.rb 3.4KB

    require 'spec_helper' describe Agents::TwilioAgent do before do @checker = => 'somename', :options => { :account_sid => 'x', :auth_token => 'x', :sender_cell => 'x', :receiver_cell => 'x', :server_url => '', :receive_text => 'true', :receive_call => 'true', :expected_receive_period_in_days => '1' }) @checker.user = users(:bob)! @event = @event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) @event.payload = { :message => 'Looks like its going to rain' }! @sent_messages = [] stub.any_instance_of(Agents::TwilioAgent).send_message { |message| @sent_messages << message} stub.any_instance_of(Agents::TwilioAgent).make_call {} end describe '#receive' do it 'should make sure multiple events are being received' do event1 = event1.agent = agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent) event1.payload = { :message => 'Some message' }! event2 = event2.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event2.payload = { :message => 'Some other message' }! @checker.receive([@event,event1,event2]) expect(@sent_messages).to eq(['Looks like its going to rain','Some message','Some other message']) end it 'should check if receive_text is working fine' do @checker.options[:receive_text] = 'false' @checker.receive([@event]) expect(@sent_messages).to be_empty end it 'should check if receive_call is working fine' do @checker.options[:receive_call] = 'true' @checker.receive([@event]) expect(@checker.memory[:pending_calls]).not_to eq({}) end end describe '#working?' do it 'checks if events have been received within the expected receive period' do expect(@checker).not_to be_working # No events received Agents::TwilioAgent.async_receive, [] expect(@checker.reload).to be_working # Just received events two_days_from_now = 2.days.from_now stub(Time).now { two_days_from_now } expect(@checker.reload).not_to be_working # More time has passed than the expected receive period without any new events end end describe "validation" do before do expect(@checker).to be_valid end it "should validate presence of of account_sid" do @checker.options[:account_sid] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of auth_token" do @checker.options[:auth_token] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of receiver_cell" do @checker.options[:receiver_cell] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of sender_cell" do @checker.options[:sender_cell] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should make sure filling sure filling server_url is not necessary" do @checker.options[:server_url] = "" expect(@checker).to be_valid end end end