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liquid_output_agent.rb 7.1KB

    module Agents class LiquidOutputAgent < Agent include WebRequestConcern include FormConfigurable cannot_be_scheduled! cannot_create_events! DATE_UNITS = %w[second seconds minute minutes hour hours day days week weeks month months year years] description do <<-MD The Liquid Output Agent outputs events through a Liquid template you provide. Use it to create a HTML page, or a json feed, or anything else that can be rendered as a string from your stream of Huginn data. This Agent will output data at: `https://#{ENV['DOMAIN']}#{Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.web_requests_path(agent_id: ':id', user_id: user_id, secret: ':secret', format: :any_extension)}` where `:secret` is the secret specified in your options. You can use any extension you wish. Options: * `secret` - A token that the requestor must provide for light-weight authentication. * `expected_receive_period_in_days` - How often you expect data to be received by this Agent from other Agents. * `content` - The content to display when someone requests this page. * `mime_type` - The mime type to use when someone requests this page. * `mode` - The behavior that determines what data is passed to the Liquid template. * `event_limit` - A limit applied to the events passed to a template when in "Last X events" mode. Can be a count like "1", or an amount of time like "1 day" or "5 minutes". # Liquid Templating The content you provide will be run as a Liquid template. The data from the last event received will be used when processing the Liquid template. To learn more about Liquid templates, go here: []( "Liquid Templating") # Modes ### Merge events The data for incoming events will be merged. So if two events come in like this: ``` { 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'} { 'a' => 'bb', 'e' => 'f'} ``` The final result will be: ``` { 'a' => 'bb', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => 'f'} ``` This merged version will be passed to the Liquid template. ### Last event in The data from the last event will be passed to the template. ### Last X events All of the events received by this agent will be passed to the template as the ```events``` array. The number of events can be controlled via the ```event_limit``` option. If ```event_limit``` is an integer X, the last X events will be passed to the template. If ```event_limit``` is an integer with a unit of measure like "1 day" or "5 minutes" or "9 years", a date filter will be applied to the events passed to the template. If no ```event_limit``` is provided, then all of the events for the agent will be passed to the template. For performance, the maximum ```event_limit``` allowed is 1000. MD end def default_options content = <<EOF When you use the "Last event in" or "Merge events" option, you can use variables from the last event received, like this: Name: {{name}} Url: {{url}} If you use the "Last X Events" mode, a set of events will be passed to your Liquid template. You can use them like this: <table class="table"> {% for event in events %} <tr> <td>{{ event.title }}</td> <td><a href="{{ event.url }}">Click here to see</a></td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> EOF { "secret" => "a-secret-key", "expected_receive_period_in_days" => 2, "mime_type" => 'text/html', "mode" => 'Last event in', "event_limit" => '', "content" => content, } end form_configurable :secret form_configurable :expected_receive_period_in_days form_configurable :content, type: :text form_configurable :mime_type form_configurable :mode, type: :array, values: [ 'Last event in', 'Merge events', 'Last X events'] form_configurable :event_limit def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago && !recent_error_logs? end def validate_options if options['secret'].present? case options['secret'] when %r{[/.]} errors.add(:base, "secret may not contain a slash or dot") when String else errors.add(:base, "secret must be a string") end else errors.add(:base, "Please specify one secret for 'authenticating' incoming feed requests") end unless options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? && options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i > 0 errors.add(:base, "Please provide 'expected_receive_period_in_days' to indicate how many days can pass before this Agent is considered to be not working") end if options['event_limit'].present? if((Integer(options['event_limit']) rescue false) == false) errors.add(:base, "Event limit must be an integer that is less than 1001.") elsif (options['event_limit'].to_i > 1000) errors.add(:base, "For performance reasons, you cannot have an event limit greater than 1000.") end else end end def receive(incoming_events) return unless ['merge events', 'last event in'].include?(mode) memory['last_event'] ||= {} incoming_events.each do |event| case mode when 'merge events' memory['last_event'] = memory['last_event'].merge(event.payload) else memory['last_event'] = event.payload end end end def receive_web_request(params, method, format) valid_authentication?(params) ? [liquified_content, 200, mime_type] : [unauthorized_content(format), 401] end private def mode options['mode'].to_s.downcase end def unauthorized_content(format) format =~ /json/ ? { error: "Not Authorized" } : "Not Authorized" end def valid_authentication?(params) interpolated['secret'] == params['secret'] end def mime_type options['mime_type'].presence || 'text/html' end def liquified_content template = Liquid::Template.parse(options['content'] || "") template.render(data_for_liquid_template) end def data_for_liquid_template case mode when 'last x events' events = received_events events = events.where('events.created_at > ?', date_limit) if date_limit events = events.limit count_limit events = { |x| x.payload } { 'events' => events } else memory['last_event'] || {} end end def count_limit limit = Integer(options['event_limit']) rescue 1000 limit <= 1000 ? limit : 1000 end def date_limit return nil unless options['event_limit'].to_s.include?(' ') value, unit = options['event_limit'].split(' ') value = Integer(value) rescue nil return nil unless value unit = unit.to_s.downcase return nil unless DATE_UNITS.include?(unit) value.send(unit.to_sym).ago end end end