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slack_agent.rb 3.1KB

    module Agents class SlackAgent < Agent DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'Huginn' cannot_be_scheduled! cannot_create_events! gem_dependency_check { defined?(Slack) } description <<-MD #{'## Include `slack-notifier` in your Gemfile to use this Agent!' if dependencies_missing?} The SlackAgent lets you receive events and send notifications to [Slack](https://slack.com/). To get started, you will first need to setup an incoming webhook. Go to, <code>https://<em>your_team_name</em>.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook</code>, choose a default channel and add the integration. Your webhook URL will look like: <code>https://hooks.slack.com/services/<em>random1</em>/<em>random2</em>/<em>token</em></code> Once the webhook has been setup it can be used to post to other channels or ping team members. To send a private message to team-mate, assign his username as `@username` to the channel option. To communicate with a different webhook on slack, assign your custom webhook name to the webhook option. Messages can also be formatted using [Liquid](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki/Formatting-Events-using-Liquid). Finally, you can set a custom icon for this webhook in `icon`, either as [emoji](http://unicodey.com/emoji-data/table.htm) or an URL to an image. Leaving this field blank will use the default icon for a webhook. MD def default_options { 'webhook_url' => 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...', 'channel' => '#general', 'username' => DEFAULT_USERNAME, 'message' => "Hey there, It's Huginn", 'icon' => '', } end def validate_options unless options['webhook_url'].present? || (options['auth_token'].present? && options['team_name'].present?) # compatibility errors.add(:base, "webhook_url is required") end errors.add(:base, "channel is required") unless options['channel'].present? end def working? received_event_without_error? end def webhook_url case when url = interpolated[:webhook_url].presence url when (team = interpolated[:team_name].presence) && (token = interpolated[:auth_token]) webhook = interpolated[:webhook].presence || 'incoming-webhook' # old style webhook URL "https://#{Rack::Utils.escape_path(team)}.slack.com/services/hooks/#{Rack::Utils.escape_path(webhook)}?token=#{Rack::Utils.escape(token)}" end end def username interpolated[:username].presence || DEFAULT_USERNAME end def slack_notifier @slack_notifier ||= Slack::Notifier.new(webhook_url, username: username) end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| opts = interpolated(event) if /^:/.match(opts[:icon]) slack_notifier.ping opts[:message], channel: opts[:channel], username: opts[:username], icon_emoji: opts[:icon] else slack_notifier.ping opts[:message], channel: opts[:channel], username: opts[:username], icon_url: opts[:icon] end end end end end