email_agent.rb 1.8KB

    module Agents class EmailAgent < Agent include EmailConcern cannot_be_scheduled! cannot_create_events! description <<-MD The EmailAgent sends any events it receives via email immediately. You can specify the email's subject line by providing a `subject` option, which can contain Liquid formatting. E.g., you could provide `"Huginn email"` to set a simple subject, or `{{subject}}` to use the `subject` key from the incoming Event. By default, the email body will contain an optional `headline`, followed by a listing of the Events' keys. You can customize the email body by including the optional `body` param. Like the `subject`, the `body` can be a simple message or a Liquid template. You could send only the Event's `some_text` field with a `body` set to `{{ some_text }}`. The body can contain simple HTML and will be sanitized. You can specify one or more `recipients` for the email, or skip the option in order to send the email to your account's default email address. Set `expected_receive_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being received by this Agent. MD def default_options { 'subject' => "You have a notification!", 'headline' => "Your notification:", 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2" } end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| log "Sending digest mail to #{} with event #{}" recipients(event.payload).each do |recipient| SystemMailer.send_message(:to => recipient, :subject => interpolated(event)['subject'], :headline => interpolated(event)['headline'], :body => interpolated(event)['body'], :groups => [present(event.payload)]).deliver_later end end end end end