Aucune description 4.1KB

    class @Utils @navigatePath: (path) -> path = "/" + path unless path.match(/^\//) window.location.href = path @currentPath: -> window.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\/.*?\//g, '') @registerPage: (klass, options = {}) -> if options.forPathsMatching? if Utils.currentPath().match(options.forPathsMatching) window.currentPage = new klass() else new klass() @showDynamicModal: (content = '', { title, body, onHide } = {}) -> $("body").append """ <div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" id='dynamic-modal' role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dynamic-modal-label" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="dynamic-modal-label"></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body">#{content}</div> </div> </div> </div> """ modal = document.querySelector('#dynamic-modal') $(modal).find('.modal-title').text(title || '').end().on '', -> $('#dynamic-modal').remove() onHide?() body?(modal.querySelector('.modal-body')) $(modal).modal('show') @handleDryRunButton: (button, data = if button.form then $(':input[name!="_method"]', button.form).serialize() else '') -> $(button).prop('disabled', true) cleanup = -> $(button).prop('disabled', false) url = $(button).data('action-url') with_event_mode = $(button).data('with-event-mode') if with_event_mode is 'no' return @invokeDryRun(url, data, cleanup) Utils.showDynamicModal """ <h5>Event to send#{if with_event_mode is 'maybe' then ' (Optional)' else ''}</h5> <form class="dry-run-form" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <textarea rows="10" name="event" class="payload-editor" data-height="200"> {} </textarea> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input value="Dry Run" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" /> </div> </form> """, body: (body) => form = $(body).find('.dry-run-form') window.setupJsonEditor(form.find('.payload-editor')) form.submit (e) => e.preventDefault() json = $('.payload-editor').val() json = '{}' if json == '' try payload = JSON.parse(json) throw true unless payload.constructor is Object if Object.keys(payload).length == 0 json = '' else json = JSON.stringify(payload) catch alert 'Invalid JSON object.' return if json == '' if with_event_mode is 'yes' alert 'Event is required for this agent to run.' return dry_run_data = data else dry_run_data = "event=#{encodeURIComponent(json)}&#{data}" $(body).closest('[role=dialog]').on '', => @invokeDryRun(url, dry_run_data, cleanup) .modal('hide') title: 'Dry Run' onHide: cleanup @invokeDryRun: (url, data, callback) -> $('body').css(cursor: 'progress') $.ajax type: 'POST', url: url, dataType: 'json', data: data .always => $('body').css(cursor: 'auto') .done (json) => Utils.showDynamicModal """ <h5>Log</h5> <pre class="agent-dry-run-log"></pre> <h5>Events</h5> <pre class="agent-dry-run-events"></pre> <h5>Memory</h5> <pre class="agent-dry-run-memory"></pre> """, body: (body) -> $(body). find('.agent-dry-run-log').text(json.log).end(). find('.agent-dry-run-events').text( find('.agent-dry-run-memory').text(json.memory) title: 'Dry Run Results', onHide: callback .fail (xhr, status, error) -> alert('Error: ' + error) callback()