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peak_detector_agent_spec.rb 3.4KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::PeakDetectorAgent do before do @valid_params = { 'name' => "my peak detector agent", 'options' => { 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2", 'group_by_path' => "filter", 'value_path' => "count", 'message' => "A peak was found" } } @agent = Agents::PeakDetectorAgent.new(@valid_params) @agent.user = users(:bob) @agent.save! end describe "#receive" do it "tracks and groups by the group_by_path" do events = build_events(:keys => ['count', 'filter'], :values => [[1, "something"], [2, "something"], [3, "else"]]) @agent.receive events expect(@agent.memory['data']['something'].map(&:first)).to eq([1, 2]) expect(@agent.memory['data']['something'].last.last).to be_within(10).of((100 - 1).hours.ago.to_i) expect(@agent.memory['data']['else'].first.first).to eq(3) expect(@agent.memory['data']['else'].first.last).to be_within(10).of((100 - 2).hours.ago.to_i) end it "works without a group_by_path as well" do @agent.options['group_by_path'] = "" events = build_events(:keys => ['count'], :values => [[1], [2]]) @agent.receive events expect(@agent.memory['data']['no_group'].map(&:first)).to eq([1, 2]) end it "keeps a rolling window of data" do @agent.options['window_duration_in_days'] = 5/24.0 @agent.receive build_events(:keys => ['count'], :values => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map {|i| [i]}, :pattern => { 'filter' => "something" }) expect(@agent.memory['data']['something'].map(&:first)).to eq([4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) end it "finds peaks" do build_events(:keys => ['count'], :values => [5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5, 15, 11, # peak 8, 50, # ignored because it's too close to the first peak 4, 5].map {|i| [i]}, :pattern => { 'filter' => "something" }).each.with_index do |event, index| expect { @agent.receive([event]) }.to change { @agent.events.count }.by( index == 6 ? 1 : 0 ) end expect(@agent.events.last.payload['peak']).to eq(15.0) expect(@agent.memory['peaks']['something'].length).to eq(1) end it "keeps a rolling window of peaks" do @agent.options['min_peak_spacing_in_days'] = 1/24.0 @agent.receive build_events(:keys => ['count'], :values => [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1].map {|i| [i]}, :pattern => { 'filter' => "something" }) expect(@agent.memory['peaks']['something'].length).to eq(2) end end describe "validation" do before do expect(@agent).to be_valid end it "should validate presence of message" do @agent.options['message'] = nil expect(@agent).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of expected_receive_period_in_days" do @agent.options['expected_receive_period_in_days'] = "" expect(@agent).not_to be_valid end it "should validate presence of value_path" do @agent.options['value_path'] = "" expect(@agent).not_to be_valid end end end