forecast_agent.rb 3.5KB

    require 'forecast_io' require 'date' module Agents class ForecastAgent < Agent cannot_receive_events! description <<-MD The ForecastAgent creates an event for the following day's weather at a given `latitude` and `longitude`. You also must select which `day` you would like to get the weather for where the number 0 is for today and 1 is for tomorrow and so on. Weather is only returned for 1 week at a time. You must setup an [API key for Forecast]( in order to use this Agent. MD event_description <<-MD Events look like this: { "time" : 1391320800, "summary" : "Rain throughout the day.", "icon" : "rain", "sunriseTime" : "06:48", "sunsetTime" : "17:16", "moonPhase" : 0.11, "precipIntensity" : 0.0582, "precipIntensityMax" : 0.1705, "precipIntensityMaxTime" : "21:00", "precipProbability" : 1, "precipType" : "rain", "temperatureMin" : 35.67, "temperatureMinTime" : "23:00", "temperatureMax" : 50.82, "temperatureMaxTime" : "02:00", "apparentTemperatureMin" : 26.11, "apparentTemperatureMinTime" : "23:00", "apparentTemperatureMax" : 50.82, "apparentTemperatureMaxTime" : "02:00", "dewPoint" : 41, "humidity" : 0.92, "windSpeed" : 4.59, "windBearing" : 358, "visibility" : 5.92, "cloudCover" : 0.99, "pressure" : 1017.66, "ozone" : 278.6 } MD default_schedule "8pm" def working? event_created_within?(2) && !recent_error_logs? end def key_setup? options['api_key'] && options['api_key'] != "your-key" end def default_options { 'api_key' => "your-key", 'latitude' => "36.166667", 'longitude' => "-86.783333", 'day' => "0" } end def validate_options errors.add(:base, "latitude is required") unless options['latitude'].present? errors.add(:base, "longitude is required") unless options['longitude'].present? errors.add(:base, "api_key is required") unless options['api_key'].present? errors.add(:base, "day selection is required") unless options['day'].present? end def check if key_setup? ForecastIO.api_key = options['api_key'] ForecastIO.forecast(options['latitude'],options['longitude']).daily.each do |key, value| if key == "data" value.each do |day| if day_diff(day.time) == options['day'].tp_i day.sunriseTime ="%H:%M") day.sunsetTime ="%H:%M") day.precipIntensityMaxTime ="%H:%M") day.temperatureMinTime ="%H:%M") day.temperatureMaxTime ="%H:%M") day.apparentTemperatureMinTime ="%H:%M") day.apparentTemperatureMaxTime ="%H:%M") create_event :payload => day end end end end end end def day_diff(day) days=(a-b).to_i return days end end end