123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120 |
- require 'date'
- require 'cgi'
- module Agents
- class PublicTransportAgent < Agent
- cannot_receive_events!
- description <<-MD
- The Public Transport Agent monitors if any bus is expected to arrive at a particular stop in 5 minutes or less.
- You must specify 5 things for it too work correctly. Your state, city, route, stop and destination. All these things
- should be in the language that nextbus understands. For details check out http://www.nextbus.com/predictor/stopSelector.jsp?a=sf-muni and http://www.apihub.com/nextbus/api/nextbus-api/docs/reference.
- Specify the following user settings:
- - stops (array)
- - agency (string)
- - alert_window_in_minutes (integer)
- This Agent generates Events based on NextBus GPS transit predictions. First, select an agency by visiting http://www.nextbus.com/predictor/agencySelector.jsp and finding your transit system. Once you find it, copy the part of the URL after `?a=`. For example, for the San Francisco MUNI system, you would end up on http://www.nextbus.com/predictor/stopSelector.jsp?a=sf-muni and copy "sf-muni". Put that into this Agent's agency setting.
- Next, find the stop tags that you care about. To find the tags for the sf-muni system, for the N route, visit this URL:
- http://webservices.nextbus.com/service/publicXMLFeed?command=routeConfig&a=sf-muni&r=N
- The tags are listed as tag="1234". Copy that number and add the route before it, separated by a pipe (|) symbol. Once you have one or more tags from that page, add them to this Agent's stop list. E.g,
- agency: "sf-muni"
- stops: ["N|5221", "N|5215"]
- This Agent will generate predictions by requesting a URL similar to the following:
- http://webservices.nextbus.com/service/publicXMLFeed?command=predictionsForMultiStops&a=sf-muni&stops=N|5221&stops=N|5215
- Finally, set the arrival window that you're interested in. E.g., 5 minutes. Events will be created by the agent anytime a new train or bus comes into that time window.
- alert_window_in_minutes: 5
- having the agent's default check period be every minute, and creating an Event in #check whenever a new tripTag (supplied by the predictionsForMultiStops API) shows up within alert_window_in_minutes from the stop. Do not create events for the same tripTag more than once per stop. I'd do this by keeping a list of [stop tag, tripTag, timestamp] tuples in memory and checking to make sure one doesn't already exist before making a new Event. This memory should get cleaned up when timestamp is older than an hour (or something) so that it doesn't fill up all of the Agent's memory.
- The NextBusAgent doesn't need to receive Events.
- It needs to fetch XML from one URL, store a list of timestamps in memory, and make Events.
- MD
- default_schedule "every_2m"
- event_description <<-MD
- Events look like this:
- { "routeTitle":"N-Judah",
- "stopTag":"5215",
- "prediction":
- {"epochTime":"1389622846689",
- "seconds":"3454","minutes":"57","isDeparture":"false",
- "affectedByLayover":"true","dirTag":"N__OB4KJU","vehicle":"1489",
- "block":"9709","tripTag":"5840086"
- }
- }
- MD
- def session
- @session ||= Patron::Session.new
- @session.connect_timeout = 10
- @session.timeout = 60
- @session.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-us,en;q=0.5'
- @session.headers['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.584.0 Safari/534.12"
- @session
- end
- def check_url
- stop_query = URI.encode(options["stops"].collect{|a| "&stops=
- "http://webservices.nextbus.com/service/publicXMLFeed?command=predictionsForMultiStops&a=#{options["agency"]}#{stop_query}"
- end
- def stops
- options["stops"].collect{|a| a.split("|").last}
- end
- def check
- page = session.get(check_url)
- page = Nokogiri::XML page.body
- predictions = page.css("//prediction")
- predictions.each do |pr|
- parent = pr.parent.parent
- vals = {routeTitle: parent["routeTitle"], stopTag: parent["stopTag"]}
- if pr["minutes"] && pr["minutes"].to_i < options["alert_window_in_minutes"].to_i
- vals = vals.merge Hash.from_xml(pr.to_xml)
- if not_already_in_memory?(vals)
- create_event(:payload => vals)
- add_to_memory(vals)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def add_to_memory(vals)
- self.memory["existing_routes"] ||= []
- self.memory["existing_routes"] << {stopTag: vals["stopTag"], tripTag: vals["prediction"]["tripTag"], epochTime: vals["prediction"]["epochTime"], currentTime: Time.now}
- end
- def not_already_in_memory?(vals)
- m = self.memory["existing_routes"]
- m.select{|h| h[:stopTag] == vals["stopTag"] &&
- h[:tripTag] == vals["prediction"]["tripTag"] &&
- h[:epochTime] == vals["prediction"]["epochTime"]
- }.count == 0
- end
- def default_options
- {
- agency: "sf-muni",
- stops: ["N|5221", "N|5215"],
- alert_window_in_minutes: 5
- }
- end
- def validate_options
- errors.add(:base, 'agency is required') unless options['agency'].present?
- errors.add(:base, 'alert_window_in_minutes is required') unless options['alert_window_in_minutes'].present?
- errors.add(:base, 'stops are required') unless options['stops'].present?
- end
- def working?
- event_created_within?(2) && !recent_error_logs?
- end
- end
- end