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ftpsite_agent.rb 5.2KB

    require 'uri' require 'time' module Agents class FtpsiteAgent < Agent cannot_receive_events! default_schedule "every_12h" gem_dependency_check { defined?(Net::FTP) && defined?(Net::FTP::List) } description <<-MD The FTP Site Agent checks an FTP site and creates Events based on newly uploaded files in a directory. #{'## Include `net-ftp-list` in your Gemfile to use this Agent!' if dependencies_missing?} Specify a `url` that represents a directory of an FTP site to watch, and a list of `patterns` to match against file names. Login credentials can be included in `url` if authentication is required. Only files with a last modification time later than the `after` value, if specifed, are notified. MD event_description <<-MD Events look like this: { "url": "", "filename": "foo-1.2.tar.gz", "timestamp": "2014-04-10T22:50:00Z" } MD def working? event_created_within?(interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs? end def default_options { 'expected_update_period_in_days' => "1", 'url' => "", 'patterns' => [ 'foo-*.tar.gz', ], 'after' =>, } end def validate_options # Check for required fields begin url = options['url'] String === url or raise uri = URI(url) URI::FTP === uri or raise errors.add(:base, "url must end with a slash") unless uri.path.end_with?('/') rescue errors.add(:base, "url must be a valid FTP URL") end patterns = options['patterns'] case patterns when Array if patterns.empty? errors.add(:base, "patterns must not be empty") end when nil, '' errors.add(:base, "patterns must be specified") else errors.add(:base, "patterns must be an array") end # Check for optional fields if (timestamp = options['timestamp']).present? begin Time.parse(timestamp) rescue errors.add(:base, "timestamp cannot be parsed as time") end end if options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? errors.add(:base, "Invalid expected_update_period_in_days format") unless is_positive_integer?(options['expected_update_period_in_days']) end end def check saving_entries do |found| each_entry { |filename, mtime| found[filename, mtime] } end end def each_entry patterns = interpolated['patterns'] after = if str = interpolated['after'] Time.parse(str) else end open_ftp(base_uri) do |ftp| log "Listing the directory" # Do not use a block style call because we need to call other # commands during iteration. list = ftp.list('-a') list.each do |line| entry = Net::FTP::List.parse line filename = entry.basename mtime = Time.parse(entry.mtime.to_s).utc patterns.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, filename) } or next after < mtime or next yield filename, mtime end end end def open_ftp(uri) ftp = log "Connecting to #{}#{':%d' % uri.port if uri.port != uri.default_port}" ftp.connect(, uri.port) user = if str = uri.user URI.decode(str) else 'anonymous' end password = if str = uri.password URI.decode(str) else 'anonymous@' end log "Logging in as #{user}" ftp.login(user, password) ftp.passive = true path = uri.path.chomp('/') log "Changing directory to #{path}" ftp.chdir(path) yield ftp ensure log "Closing the connection" ftp.close end def base_uri @base_uri ||= URI(interpolated['url']) end def saving_entries known_entries = memory['known_entries'] || {} found_entries = {} new_files = [] yield proc { |filename, mtime| found_entries[filename] = misotime = mtime.utc.iso8601 unless (prev = known_entries[filename]) && misotime <= prev new_files << filename end } new_files.sort_by { |filename| found_entries[filename] }.each { |filename| create_event payload: { 'url' => (base_uri + uri_path_escape(filename)).to_s, 'filename' => filename, 'timestamp' => found_entries[filename], } } memory['known_entries'] = found_entries save! end private def is_positive_integer?(value) Integer(value) >= 0 rescue false end def uri_path_escape(string) str = string.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) # string.b in Ruby >=2.0 str.gsub!(/([^A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&()*+,=@]+)/) { |m| '%' + m.unpack('H2' * m.bytesize).join('%').upcase } str.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII) end end end