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agent.rb 7.0KB

    require 'serialize_and_symbolize' require 'assignable_types' require 'markdown_class_attributes' require 'utils' class Agent < ActiveRecord::Base include SerializeAndSymbolize include AssignableTypes include MarkdownClassAttributes serialize_and_symbolize :options, :memory markdown_class_attributes :description, :event_description load_types_in "Agents" SCHEDULES = %w[every_2m every_5m every_10m every_30m every_1h every_2h every_5h every_12h every_1d every_2d every_7d midnight 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm] attr_accessible :options, :memory, :name, :type, :schedule, :source_ids validates_presence_of :name, :user validate :sources_are_owned validate :validate_schedule after_initialize :set_default_schedule before_validation :set_default_schedule before_validation :unschedule_if_cannot_schedule before_save :unschedule_if_cannot_schedule belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :agents has_many :events, :dependent => :delete_all, :inverse_of => :agent, :order => " desc" has_many :received_events, :through => :sources, :class_name => "Event", :source => :events, :order => " desc" has_many :links_as_source, :dependent => :delete_all, :foreign_key => "source_id", :class_name => "Link", :inverse_of => :source has_many :links_as_receiver, :dependent => :delete_all, :foreign_key => "receiver_id", :class_name => "Link", :inverse_of => :receiver has_many :sources, :through => :links_as_receiver, :class_name => "Agent", :inverse_of => :receivers has_many :receivers, :through => :links_as_source, :class_name => "Agent", :inverse_of => :sources scope :of_type, lambda { |type| type = case type when String, Symbol, Class type.to_s when Agent type.class.to_s else type.to_s end where(:type => type) } def check # Implement me in your subclass of Agent. end def default_options # Implement me in your subclass of Agent. {} end def receive(events) # Implement me in your subclass of Agent. end def receive_webhook(params) # Implement me in your subclass of Agent. ["not implemented", 404] end # Implement me in your subclass to decide if your Agent is working. def working? raise "Implement me in your subclass" end def event_created_within(seconds) last_event = events.first last_event && last_event.created_at > seconds.ago && last_event end def sources_are_owned errors.add(:sources, "must be owned by you") unless sources.all? {|s| s.user == user } end def create_event(attrs) events.create!({ :user => user }.merge(attrs)) end def validate_schedule unless cannot_be_scheduled? errors.add(:schedule, "is not a valid schedule") unless SCHEDULES.include?(schedule.to_s) end end def make_message(payload, message = options[:message]) message.gsub(/<([^>]+)>/) { Utils.value_at(payload, $1) || "??" } end def trigger_webhook(params) receive_webhook(params).tap do self.last_webhook_at = save! end end def set_default_schedule self.schedule = default_schedule unless schedule.present? || cannot_be_scheduled? end def unschedule_if_cannot_schedule self.schedule = nil if cannot_be_scheduled? end def last_event_at @memoized_last_event_at ||= end def default_schedule self.class.default_schedule end def cannot_be_scheduled? self.class.cannot_be_scheduled? end def can_be_scheduled? !cannot_be_scheduled? end def cannot_receive_events? self.class.cannot_receive_events? end def can_receive_events? !cannot_receive_events? end # Class Methods class << self def cannot_be_scheduled! @cannot_be_scheduled = true end def cannot_be_scheduled? !!@cannot_be_scheduled end def default_schedule(schedule = nil) @default_schedule = schedule unless schedule.nil? @default_schedule end def cannot_receive_events! @cannot_receive_events = true end def cannot_receive_events? !!@cannot_receive_events end def receive! sql = Agent. select(" AS receiver_agent_id, AS source_agent_id, AS event_id"). joins("JOIN links ON (links.receiver_id ="). joins("JOIN agents AS sources ON (links.source_id ="). joins("JOIN events ON (events.agent_id ="). where("agents.last_checked_event_id IS NULL OR > agents.last_checked_event_id").to_sql agents_to_events = {} Agent.connection.select_rows(sql).each do |receiver_agent_id, source_agent_id, event_id| agents_to_events[receiver_agent_id] ||= [] agents_to_events[receiver_agent_id] << event_id end event_ids = agents_to_events.values.flatten.uniq.compact Agent.where(:id => agents_to_events.keys).each do |agent| agent.update_attribute :last_checked_event_id, event_ids.max Agent.async_receive(, agents_to_events[].uniq) end { :agent_count => agents_to_events.keys.length, :event_count => event_ids.length } end # Given an Agent id and an array of Event ids, load the Agent, call #receive on it with the Event objects, and then # save it with an updated _last_receive_at_ timestamp. # # This method is tagged with _handle_asynchronously_ and will be delayed and run with delayed_job. It accepts Agent # and Event ids instead of a literal ActiveRecord models because it is preferable to serialize delayed_jobs with ids. def async_receive(agent_id, event_ids) agent = Agent.find(agent_id) agent.receive(Event.where(:id => event_ids)) agent.last_receive_at =! end handle_asynchronously :async_receive def run_schedule(schedule) types = where(:schedule => schedule).group(:type).pluck(:type) types.each do |type| type.constantize.bulk_check(schedule) end end # You can override this to define a custom bulk_check for your type of Agent. def bulk_check(schedule) raise "Call #bulk_check on the appropriate subclass of Agent" if self == Agent where(:schedule => schedule).pluck("").each do |agent_id| async_check(agent_id) end end # Given an Agent id, load the Agent, call #check on it, and then save it with an updated _last_check_at_ timestamp. # # This method is tagged with _handle_asynchronously_ and will be delayed and run with delayed_job. It accepts an Agent # id instead of a literal Agent because it is preferable to serialize delayed_jobs with ids. def async_check(agent_id) agent = Agent.find(agent_id) agent.check agent.last_check_at =! end handle_asynchronously :async_check end end