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jabber_agent.rb 4.4KB

    module Agents class JabberAgent < Agent include LongRunnable include FormConfigurable cannot_be_scheduled! gem_dependency_check { defined?(Jabber) } description <<-MD The Jabber Agent will send any events it receives to your Jabber/XMPP IM account. #{'## Include `xmpp4r` in your Gemfile to use this Agent!' if dependencies_missing?} Specify the `jabber_server` and `jabber_port` for your Jabber server. The `message` is sent from `jabber_sender` to `jaber_receiver`. This message can contain any keys found in the source's payload, escaped using double curly braces. ex: `"News Story: {{title}}: {{url}}"` When `connect_to_receiver` is set to true, the JabberAgent will emit an event for every message it receives. Have a look at the [Wiki]( to learn more about liquid templating. MD event_description <<-MD `event` will be set to either `on_join`, `on_leave`, `on_message`, `on_room_message` or `on_subject` { "event": "on_message", "time": null, "nick": "Dominik Sander", "message": "Hello from huginn." } MD def default_options { 'jabber_server' => '', 'jabber_port' => '5222', 'jabber_sender' => 'huginn@localhost', 'jabber_receiver' => 'muninn@localhost', 'jabber_password' => '', 'message' => 'It will be {{temp}} out tomorrow', 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2" } end form_configurable :jabber_server form_configurable :jabber_port form_configurable :jabber_sender form_configurable :jabber_receiver form_configurable :jabber_password form_configurable :message, type: :text form_configurable :connect_to_receiver, type: :boolean form_configurable :expected_receive_period_in_days def working? last_receive_at && last_receive_at > interpolated['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago && !recent_error_logs? end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| log "Sending IM to #{interpolated['jabber_receiver']} with event #{}" deliver body(event) end end def validate_options errors.add(:base, "server and username is required") unless credentials_present? end def deliver(text) client.send Jabber::Message::new(interpolated['jabber_receiver'], text).set_type(:chat) end def start_worker? boolify(interpolated[:connect_to_receiver]) end private def client['jabber_sender'])).tap do |sender| sender.connect(interpolated['jabber_server'], interpolated['jabber_port'] || '5222') sender.auth interpolated['jabber_password'] end end def credentials_present? options['jabber_server'].present? && options['jabber_sender'].present? && options['jabber_receiver'].present? end def body(event) interpolated(event)['message'] end class Worker < LongRunnable::Worker IGNORE_MESSAGES_FOR=5 def setup require 'xmpp4r/muc/helper/simplemucclient' end def run @started_at = @client = client muc = [:on_join, :on_leave, :on_message, :on_room_message, :on_subject].each do |event| muc.__send__(event) do |*args| message_handler(event, args) end end muc.join(agent.interpolated['jabber_receiver']) sleep(1) while @client.is_connected? end def message_handler(event, args) return if - @started_at < IGNORE_MESSAGES_FOR time, nick, message = normalize_args(event, args) AgentRunner.with_connection do agent.create_event(payload: {event: event, time: time, nick: nick, message: message}) end end def stop @client.close @client.stop thread.terminate end def client agent.send(:client) end private def normalize_args(event, args) case event when :on_join, :on_leave [args[0], args[1]] when :on_message, :on_subject args when :on_room_message [args[0], nil, args[1]] end end end end end