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java_script_agent.rb 4.6KB

    require 'date' require 'cgi' module Agents class JavaScriptAgent < Agent default_schedule "never" description <<-MD This Agent allows you to write code in JavaScript that can create and receive events. If other Agents aren't meeting your needs, try this one! At the moment, all code should be written in the `code` option. In the future, a full editor will be provided. You can implement `Agent.check` and `Agent.receive` as you see fit. The following methods will be available on Agent in the JavaScript environment: * `this.createEvent(payload)` * `this.incomingEvents()` * `this.memory()` * `this.memory(key)` * `this.memory(keyToSet, valueToSet)` * `this.options()` * `this.options(key)` * `this.log(message)` * `this.error(message)` MD def validate_options errors.add(:base, "The 'code' option is required") unless options['code'].present? end def working? return false if recent_error_logs? if options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? return false unless event_created_within?(options['expected_update_period_in_days']) end if options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? return false unless last_receive_at && last_receive_at > options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago end true end def check log_errors do execute_js("check") end end def receive(incoming_events) log_errors do execute_js("receive", incoming_events) end end def default_options js_code = <<-JS Agent.check = function() { if (this.options('make_event')) { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'I made an event!' }); var callCount = this.memory('callCount') || 0; this.memory('callCount', callCount + 1); } }; Agent.receive = function() { var events = this.incomingEvents(); for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'I got an event!', 'event_was': events[i].payload }); } } JS { "code" => js_code.gsub(/[\n\r\t]/, '').strip, 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => "2", 'expected_update_period_in_days' => "2" } end private def execute_js(js_function, incoming_events = []) js_function = js_function == "check" ? "check" : "receive" context = context.eval(setup_javascript) context["doCreateEvent"] = lambda { |a, y| create_event(payload: clean_nans(JSON.parse(y))).payload.to_json } context["getIncomingEvents"] = lambda { |a| incoming_events.to_json } context["getOptions"] = lambda { |a, x| options.to_json } context["doLog"] = lambda { |a, x| log x } context["doError"] = lambda { |a, x| error x } context["getMemory"] = lambda do |a, x, y| if x && y memory[x] = clean_nans(y) else memory.to_json end end context.eval(options['code']) context.eval("Agent.#{js_function}();") end def setup_javascript <<-JS function Agent() {}; Agent.createEvent = function(opts) { return JSON.parse(doCreateEvent(JSON.stringify(opts))); } Agent.incomingEvents = function() { return JSON.parse(getIncomingEvents()); } Agent.memory = function(key, value) { if (typeof(key) !== "undefined" && typeof(value) !== "undefined") { getMemory(key, value); } else if (typeof(key) !== "undefined") { return JSON.parse(getMemory())[key]; } else { return JSON.parse(getMemory()); } } Agent.options = function(key) { if (typeof(key) !== "undefined") { return JSON.parse(getOptions())[key]; } else { return JSON.parse(getOptions()); } } Agent.log = function(message) { doLog(message); } Agent.error = function(message) { doError(message); } Agent.check = function(){}; Agent.receive = function(){}; JS end def log_errors begin yield rescue V8::Error => e error "JavaScript error: #{e.message}" end end def clean_nans(input) if input.is_a?(Array) {|v| clean_nans(v) } elsif input.is_a?(Hash) input.inject({}) { |m, (k, v)| m[k] = clean_nans(v); m } elsif input.is_a?(Float) && input.nan? 'NaN' else input end end end end