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agent_spec.rb 28KB

    require 'spec_helper' describe Agent do it_behaves_like WorkingHelpers describe ".bulk_check" do before do @weather_agent_count = Agents::WeatherAgent.where(:schedule => "midnight", :disabled => false).count end it "should run all Agents with the given schedule" do mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything).times(@weather_agent_count) Agents::WeatherAgent.bulk_check("midnight") end it "should skip disabled Agents" do agents(:bob_weather_agent).update_attribute :disabled, true mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything).times(@weather_agent_count - 1) Agents::WeatherAgent.bulk_check("midnight") end end describe ".run_schedule" do before do Agents::WeatherAgent.count.should > 0 Agents::WebsiteAgent.count.should > 0 end it "runs agents with the given schedule" do weather_agent_ids = [agents(:bob_weather_agent), agents(:jane_weather_agent)].map(&:id) stub(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything) {|agent_id| weather_agent_ids.delete(agent_id) } stub(Agents::WebsiteAgent).async_check(agents(:bob_website_agent).id) Agent.run_schedule("midnight") weather_agent_ids.should be_empty end it "groups agents by type" do mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).bulk_check("midnight").once mock(Agents::WebsiteAgent).bulk_check("midnight").once Agent.run_schedule("midnight") end it "only runs agents with the given schedule" do do_not_allow(Agents::WebsiteAgent).async_check Agent.run_schedule("blah") end it "will not run the 'never' schedule" do agents(:bob_weather_agent).update_attribute 'schedule', 'never' do_not_allow(Agents::WebsiteAgent).async_check Agent.run_schedule("never") end end describe "credential" do it "should return the value of the credential when credential is present" do agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("aws_secret").should == user_credentials(:bob_aws_secret).credential_value end it "should return nil when credential is not present" do agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("non_existing_credential").should == nil end it "should memoize the load" do mock.any_instance_of(UserCredential).credential_value.twice { "foo" } agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("aws_secret").should == "foo" agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("aws_secret").should == "foo" agents(:bob_weather_agent).reload agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("aws_secret").should == "foo" agents(:bob_weather_agent).credential("aws_secret").should == "foo" end end describe "changes to type" do it "validates types" do source = Agent.new source.type = "Agents::WeatherAgent" source.should have(0).errors_on(:type) source.type = "Agents::WebsiteAgent" source.should have(0).errors_on(:type) source.type = "Agents::Fake" source.should have(1).error_on(:type) end it "disallows changes to type once a record has been saved" do source = agents(:bob_website_agent) source.type = "Agents::WeatherAgent" source.should have(1).error_on(:type) end it "should know about available types" do Agent.types.should include(Agents::WeatherAgent, Agents::WebsiteAgent) end end describe "with an example Agent" do class Agents::SomethingSource < Agent default_schedule "2pm" def check create_event :payload => {} end def validate_options errors.add(:base, "bad is bad") if options[:bad] end end class Agents::CannotBeScheduled < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! def receive(events) events.each do |event| create_event :payload => { :events_received => 1 } end end end before do stub(Agents::SomethingSource).valid_type?("Agents::SomethingSource") { true } stub(Agents::CannotBeScheduled).valid_type?("Agents::CannotBeScheduled") { true } end describe Agents::SomethingSource do let(:new_instance) do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "some agent") agent.user = users(:bob) agent end it_behaves_like LiquidInterpolatable it_behaves_like HasGuid end describe ".short_type" do it "returns a short name without 'Agents::'" do Agents::SomethingSource.new.short_type.should == "SomethingSource" Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new.short_type.should == "CannotBeScheduled" end end describe ".default_schedule" do it "stores the default on the class" do Agents::SomethingSource.default_schedule.should == "2pm" Agents::SomethingSource.new.default_schedule.should == "2pm" end it "sets the default on new instances, allows setting new schedules, and prevents invalid schedules" do @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.schedule.should == "2pm" @checker.save! @checker.reload.schedule.should == "2pm" @checker.update_attribute :schedule, "5pm" @checker.reload.schedule.should == "5pm" @checker.reload.schedule.should == "5pm" @checker.schedule = "this_is_not_real" @checker.should have(1).errors_on(:schedule) end it "should have an empty schedule if it cannot_be_scheduled" do @checker = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new(:name => "something") @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.schedule.should be_nil @checker.should be_valid @checker.schedule = "5pm" @checker.save! @checker.schedule.should be_nil @checker.schedule = "5pm" @checker.should have(0).errors_on(:schedule) @checker.schedule.should be_nil end end describe "#create_event" do before do @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.save! end it "should use the checker's user" do @checker.check Event.last.user.should == @checker.user end it "should log an error if the Agent has been marked with 'cannot_create_events!'" do mock(@checker).can_create_events? { false } lambda { @checker.check }.should_not change { Event.count } @checker.logs.first.message.should =~ /cannot create events/i end end describe ".async_check" do before do @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.save! end it "records last_check_at and calls check on the given Agent" do mock(@checker).check.once { @checker.options[:new] = true } mock(Agent).find(@checker.id) { @checker } @checker.last_check_at.should be_nil Agents::SomethingSource.async_check(@checker.id) @checker.reload.last_check_at.should be_within(2).of(Time.now) @checker.reload.options[:new].should be_true # Show that we save options end it "should log exceptions" do mock(@checker).check.once { raise "foo" } mock(Agent).find(@checker.id) { @checker } lambda { Agents::SomethingSource.async_check(@checker.id) }.should raise_error log = @checker.logs.first log.message.should =~ /Exception/ log.level.should == 4 end it "should not run disabled Agents" do mock(Agent).find(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) { agents(:bob_weather_agent) } do_not_allow(agents(:bob_weather_agent)).check agents(:bob_weather_agent).update_attribute :disabled, true Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) end end describe ".receive!" do before do stub_request(:any, /wunderground/).to_return(:body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/weather.json")), :status => 200) stub.any_instance_of(Agents::WeatherAgent).is_tomorrow?(anything) { true } end it "should use available events" do Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) mock(Agent).async_receive(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id, anything).times(1) Agent.receive! end it "should not propogate to disabled Agents" do Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).update_attribute :disabled, true mock(Agent).async_receive(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id, anything).times(0) Agent.receive! end it "should log exceptions" do mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).once { raise "foo" } Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) lambda { Agent.async_receive(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id, [agents(:bob_weather_agent).events.last.id]) }.should raise_error log = agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).logs.first log.message.should =~ /Exception/ log.level.should == 4 end it "should track when events have been seen and not received them again" do mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).once Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) lambda { Agent.receive! }.should change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id } lambda { Agent.receive! }.should_not change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id } end it "should not run consumers that have nothing to do" do do_not_allow.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything) Agent.receive! end it "should group events" do mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).twice { |events| events.map(&:user).map(&:username).uniq.length.should == 1 } Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id) Agent.async_check(agents(:jane_weather_agent).id) Agent.receive! end it "should ignore events that were created before a particular Link" do agent2 = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent2.user = users(:bob) agent2.save! agent2.check mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).twice agents(:bob_weather_agent).check # bob_weather_agent makes an event lambda { Agent.receive! # event gets propagated }.should change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id } # This agent creates a few events before we link to it, but after our last check. agent2.check agent2.check # Now we link to it. agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).sources << agent2 agent2.links_as_source.first.event_id_at_creation.should == agent2.events.reorder("events.id desc").first.id lambda { Agent.receive! # but we don't receive those events because they're too old }.should_not change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id } # Now a new event is created by agent2 agent2.check lambda { Agent.receive! # and we receive it }.should change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id } end end describe ".async_receive" do it "should not run disabled Agents" do mock(Agent).find(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id) { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent) } do_not_allow(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent)).receive agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).update_attribute :disabled, true Agent.async_receive(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id, [1, 2, 3]) end end describe "creating a new agent and then calling .receive!" do it "should not backfill events for a newly created agent" do Event.delete_all sender = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "Sending Agent") sender.user = users(:bob) sender.save! sender.create_event :payload => {} sender.create_event :payload => {} sender.events.count.should == 2 receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new(:name => "Receiving Agent") receiver.user = users(:bob) receiver.sources << sender receiver.save! receiver.events.count.should == 0 Agent.receive! receiver.events.count.should == 0 sender.create_event :payload => {} Agent.receive! receiver.events.count.should == 1 end end describe "creating agents with propagate_immediately = true" do it "should schedule subagent events immediately" do Event.delete_all sender = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "Sending Agent") sender.user = users(:bob) sender.save! receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new( :name => "Receiving Agent", ) receiver.propagate_immediately = true receiver.user = users(:bob) receiver.sources << sender receiver.save! sender.create_event :payload => {"message" => "new payload"} sender.events.count.should == 1 receiver.events.count.should == 1 #should be true without calling Agent.receive! end it "should only schedule receiving agents that are set to propagate_immediately" do Event.delete_all sender = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "Sending Agent") sender.user = users(:bob) sender.save! im_receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new( :name => "Immediate Receiving Agent", ) im_receiver.propagate_immediately = true im_receiver.user = users(:bob) im_receiver.sources << sender im_receiver.save! slow_receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new( :name => "Slow Receiving Agent", ) slow_receiver.user = users(:bob) slow_receiver.sources << sender slow_receiver.save! sender.create_event :payload => {"message" => "new payload"} sender.events.count.should == 1 im_receiver.events.count.should == 1 #we should get the quick one #but not the slow one slow_receiver.events.count.should == 0 Agent.receive! #now we should have one in both im_receiver.events.count.should == 1 slow_receiver.events.count.should == 1 end end describe "validations" do it "calls validate_options" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.options[:bad] = true agent.should have(1).error_on(:base) agent.options[:bad] = false agent.should have(0).errors_on(:base) end it "makes options symbol-indifferent before validating" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.options["bad"] = true agent.should have(1).error_on(:base) agent.options["bad"] = false agent.should have(0).errors_on(:base) end it "makes memory symbol-indifferent before validating" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.memory["bad"] = 2 agent.save agent.memory[:bad].should == 2 end it "should work when assigned a hash or JSON string" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.memory = {} agent.memory.should == {} agent.memory["foo"].should be_nil agent.memory = "" agent.memory["foo"].should be_nil agent.memory.should == {} agent.memory = '{"hi": "there"}' agent.memory.should == { "hi" => "there" } agent.memory = '{invalid}' agent.memory.should == { "hi" => "there" } agent.should have(1).errors_on(:memory) agent.memory = "{}" agent.memory["foo"].should be_nil agent.memory.should == {} agent.should have(0).errors_on(:memory) agent.options = "{}" agent.options["foo"].should be_nil agent.options.should == {} agent.should have(0).errors_on(:options) agent.options = '{"hi": 2}' agent.options["hi"].should == 2 agent.should have(0).errors_on(:options) agent.options = '{"hi": wut}' agent.options["hi"].should == 2 agent.should have(1).errors_on(:options) agent.errors_on(:options).should include("was assigned invalid JSON") agent.options = 5 agent.options["hi"].should == 2 agent.should have(1).errors_on(:options) agent.errors_on(:options).should include("cannot be set to an instance of Fixnum") end it "should not allow agents owned by other people" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.source_ids = [agents(:bob_weather_agent).id] agent.should have(0).errors_on(:sources) agent.source_ids = [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id] agent.should have(1).errors_on(:sources) agent.user = users(:jane) agent.should have(0).errors_on(:sources) end it "should not allow scenarios owned by other people" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.scenario_ids = [scenarios(:bob_weather).id] agent.should have(0).errors_on(:scenarios) agent.scenario_ids = [scenarios(:bob_weather).id, scenarios(:jane_weather).id] agent.should have(1).errors_on(:scenarios) agent.scenario_ids = [scenarios(:jane_weather).id] agent.should have(1).errors_on(:scenarios) agent.user = users(:jane) agent.should have(0).errors_on(:scenarios) end it "validates keep_events_for" do agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") agent.user = users(:bob) agent.should be_valid agent.keep_events_for = nil agent.should have(1).errors_on(:keep_events_for) agent.keep_events_for = 1000 agent.should have(1).errors_on(:keep_events_for) agent.keep_events_for = "" agent.should have(1).errors_on(:keep_events_for) agent.keep_events_for = 5 agent.should be_valid agent.keep_events_for = 0 agent.should be_valid agent.keep_events_for = 365 agent.should be_valid # Rails seems to call to_i on the input. This guards against future changes to that behavior. agent.keep_events_for = "drop table;" agent.keep_events_for.should == 0 end end describe "cleaning up now-expired events" do before do @agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something") @agent.keep_events_for = 5 @agent.user = users(:bob) @agent.save! @event = @agent.create_event :payload => { "hello" => "world" } @event.expires_at.to_i.should be_within(2).of(5.days.from_now.to_i) end describe "when keep_events_for has not changed" do it "does nothing" do mock(@agent).update_event_expirations!.times(0) @agent.options[:foo] = "bar1" @agent.save! @agent.options[:foo] = "bar1" @agent.keep_events_for = 5 @agent.save! end end describe "when keep_events_for is changed" do it "updates events' expires_at" do lambda { @agent.options[:foo] = "bar1" @agent.keep_events_for = 3 @agent.save! }.should change { @event.reload.expires_at } @event.expires_at.to_i.should be_within(2).of(3.days.from_now.to_i) end it "updates events relative to their created_at" do @event.update_attribute :created_at, 2.days.ago @event.reload.created_at.to_i.should be_within(2).of(2.days.ago.to_i) lambda { @agent.options[:foo] = "bar2" @agent.keep_events_for = 3 @agent.save! }.should change { @event.reload.expires_at } @event.expires_at.to_i.should be_within(60 * 61).of(1.days.from_now.to_i) # The larger time is to deal with daylight savings end it "nulls out expires_at when keep_events_for is set to 0" do lambda { @agent.options[:foo] = "bar" @agent.keep_events_for = 0 @agent.save! }.should change { @event.reload.expires_at }.to(nil) end end end describe "Agent.build_clone" do before do Event.delete_all @sender = Agents::SomethingSource.new( name: 'Agent (2)', options: { foo: 'bar2' }, schedule: '5pm') @sender.user = users(:bob) @sender.save! @sender.create_event :payload => {} @sender.create_event :payload => {} @sender.events.count.should == 2 @receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new( name: 'Agent', options: { foo: 'bar3' }, keep_events_for: 3, propagate_immediately: true) @receiver.user = users(:bob) @receiver.sources << @sender @receiver.memory[:test] = 1 @receiver.save! end it "should create a clone of a given agent for editing" do sender_clone = users(:bob).agents.build_clone(@sender) sender_clone.attributes.should == Agent.new.attributes. update(@sender.slice(:user_id, :type, :options, :schedule, :keep_events_for, :propagate_immediately)). update('name' => 'Agent (2) (2)', 'options' => { 'foo' => 'bar2' }) sender_clone.source_ids.should == [] receiver_clone = users(:bob).agents.build_clone(@receiver) receiver_clone.attributes.should == Agent.new.attributes. update(@receiver.slice(:user_id, :type, :options, :schedule, :keep_events_for, :propagate_immediately)). update('name' => 'Agent (3)', 'options' => { 'foo' => 'bar3' }) receiver_clone.source_ids.should == [@sender.id] end end end describe ".trigger_web_request" do class Agents::WebRequestReceiver < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! end before do stub(Agents::WebRequestReceiver).valid_type?("Agents::WebRequestReceiver") { true } end context "when .receive_web_request is defined" do before do @agent = Agents::WebRequestReceiver.new(:name => "something") @agent.user = users(:bob) @agent.save! def @agent.receive_web_request(params, method, format) memory['last_request'] = [params, method, format] ['Ok!', 200] end end it "calls the .receive_web_request hook, updates last_web_request_at, and saves" do @agent.trigger_web_request({ :some_param => "some_value" }, "post", "text/html") @agent.reload.memory['last_request'].should == [ { "some_param" => "some_value" }, "post", "text/html" ] @agent.last_web_request_at.to_i.should be_within(1).of(Time.now.to_i) end end context "when .receive_webhook is defined" do before do @agent = Agents::WebRequestReceiver.new(:name => "something") @agent.user = users(:bob) @agent.save! def @agent.receive_webhook(params) memory['last_webhook_request'] = params ['Ok!', 200] end end it "outputs a deprecation warning and calls .receive_webhook with the params" do mock(Rails.logger).warn("DEPRECATED: The .receive_webhook method is deprecated, please switch your Agent to use .receive_web_request.") @agent.trigger_web_request({ :some_param => "some_value" }, "post", "text/html") @agent.reload.memory['last_webhook_request'].should == { "some_param" => "some_value" } @agent.last_web_request_at.to_i.should be_within(1).of(Time.now.to_i) end end end describe "scopes" do describe "of_type" do it "should accept classes" do agents = Agent.of_type(Agents::WebsiteAgent) agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent)) agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent)) agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent)) end it "should accept strings" do agents = Agent.of_type("Agents::WebsiteAgent") agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent)) agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent)) agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent)) end it "should accept instances of an Agent" do agents = Agent.of_type(agents(:bob_website_agent)) agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent)) agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent)) agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent)) end end end describe "#create_event" do describe "when the agent has keep_events_for set" do before do agents(:jane_weather_agent).keep_events_for.should > 0 end it "sets expires_at on created events" do event = agents(:jane_weather_agent).create_event :payload => { 'hi' => 'there' } event.expires_at.to_i.should be_within(5).of(agents(:jane_weather_agent).keep_events_for.days.from_now.to_i) end end describe "when the agent does not have keep_events_for set" do before do agents(:jane_website_agent).keep_events_for.should == 0 end it "does not set expires_at on created events" do event = agents(:jane_website_agent).create_event :payload => { 'hi' => 'there' } event.expires_at.should be_nil end end end end describe AgentDrop do def interpolate(string, agent) agent.interpolate_string(string, "agent" => agent) end before do @wsa1 = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new( name: 'XKCD', options: { expected_update_period_in_days: 2, type: 'html', url: 'http://xkcd.com/', mode: 'on_change', extract: { url: { css: '#comic img', attr: 'src' }, title: { css: '#comic img', attr: 'alt' }, }, }, schedule: 'every_1h', keep_events_for: 2) @wsa1.user = users(:bob) @wsa1.save! @wsa2 = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new( name: 'Dilbert', options: { expected_update_period_in_days: 2, type: 'html', url: 'http://dilbert.com/', mode: 'on_change', extract: { url: { css: '[id^=strip_enlarged_] img', attr: 'src' }, title: { css: '.STR_DateStrip', text: true }, }, }, schedule: 'every_12h', keep_events_for: 2) @wsa2.user = users(:bob) @wsa2.save! @efa = Agents::EventFormattingAgent.new( name: 'Formatter', options: { instructions: { message: '{{agent.name}}: {{title}} {{url}}', agent: '{{agent.type}}', }, mode: 'clean', matchers: [], skip_created_at: 'false', }, keep_events_for: 2, propagate_immediately: true) @efa.user = users(:bob) @efa.sources << @wsa1 << @wsa2 @efa.memory[:test] = 1 @efa.save! end it 'should be created via Agent#to_liquid' do @wsa1.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop) @wsa2.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop) @efa.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop) end it 'should have .type and .name' do t = '{{agent.type}}: {{agent.name}}' interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('WebsiteAgent: XKCD') interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('WebsiteAgent: Dilbert') interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('EventFormattingAgent: Formatter') end it 'should have .options' do t = '{{agent.options.url}}' interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('http://xkcd.com/') interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('http://dilbert.com/') interpolate('{{agent.options.instructions.message}}', @efa).should eq('{{agent.name}}: {{title}} {{url}}') end it 'should have .sources' do t = '{{agent.sources.size}}: {{agent.sources | map:"name" | join:", "}}' interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('0: ') interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('0: ') interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('2: XKCD, Dilbert') end it 'should have .receivers' do t = '{{agent.receivers.size}}: {{agent.receivers | map:"name" | join:", "}}' interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('1: Formatter') interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('1: Formatter') interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('0: ') end end