event_formatting_agent_spec.rb 5.0KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::EventFormattingAgent do before do @valid_params = { :name => "somename", :options => { :instructions => { :message => "Received {{content.text}} from {{content.name}} .", :subject => "Weather looks like {{conditions}} according to the forecast at {{pretty_date.time}}", :agent => "{{agent.type}}", :created_at => "{{created_at}}", :created_at_iso => "{{created_at | date:'%FT%T%:z'}}", }, :mode => "clean", :matchers => [ { :path => "{{date.pretty}}", :regexp => "\\A(?<time>\\d\\d:\\d\\d [AP]M [A-Z]+)", :to => "pretty_date", }, ], } } @checker = Agents::EventFormattingAgent.new(@valid_params) @checker.user = users(:jane) @checker.save! @event = Event.new @event.agent = agents(:jane_weather_agent) @event.created_at = Time.now @event.payload = { :content => { :text => "Some Lorem Ipsum", :name => "somevalue", }, :date => { :epoch => "1357959600", :pretty => "10:00 PM EST on January 11, 2013" }, :conditions => "someothervalue" } @event2 = Event.new @event2.agent = agents(:jane_weather_agent) @event2.created_at = Time.now @event2.payload = { :content => { :text => "Some Lorem Ipsum 2", :name => "somevalue2", }, :date => { :epoch => "1357966800", :pretty => "00:00 AM EST on January 12, 2015" }, :conditions => "someothervalue2" } end describe "#receive" do it "should accept clean mode" do @checker.receive([@event]) expect(Event.last.payload[:content]).to eq(nil) end it "should accept merge mode" do @checker.options[:mode] = "merge" @checker.receive([@event]) expect(Event.last.payload[:content]).not_to eq(nil) end it "should handle Liquid templating in instructions" do @checker.receive([@event]) expect(Event.last.payload[:message]).to eq("Received Some Lorem Ipsum from somevalue .") expect(Event.last.payload[:agent]).to eq("WeatherAgent") expect(Event.last.payload[:created_at]).to eq(@event.created_at.to_s) expect(Event.last.payload[:created_at_iso]).to eq(@event.created_at.iso8601) end it "should handle matchers and Liquid templating in instructions" do expect { @checker.receive([@event, @event2]) }.to change { Event.count }.by(2) formatted_event1, formatted_event2 = Event.last(2) expect(formatted_event1.payload[:subject]).to eq("Weather looks like someothervalue according to the forecast at 10:00 PM EST") expect(formatted_event2.payload[:subject]).to eq("Weather looks like someothervalue2 according to the forecast at 00:00 AM EST") end it "should allow escaping" do @event.payload[:content][:name] = "escape this!?" @event.save! @checker.options[:instructions][:message] = "Escaped: {{content.name | uri_escape}}\nNot escaped: {{content.name}}" @checker.save! @checker.receive([@event]) expect(Event.last.payload[:message]).to eq("Escaped: escape+this%21%3F\nNot escaped: escape this!?") end it "should handle multiple events" do event1 = Event.new event1.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event1.payload = { :content => { :text => "Some Lorem Ipsum", :name => "somevalue" }, :conditions => "someothervalue" } event2 = Event.new event2.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event2.payload = { :content => { :text => "Some Lorem Ipsum", :name => "somevalue" }, :conditions => "someothervalue" } expect { @checker.receive([event2, event1]) }.to change { Event.count }.by(2) end end describe "validation" do before do expect(@checker).to be_valid end it "should validate presence of instructions" do @checker.options[:instructions] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should validate type of matchers" do @checker.options[:matchers] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid @checker.options[:matchers] = {} expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end it "should validate the contents of matchers" do @checker.options[:matchers] = [ {} ] expect(@checker).not_to be_valid @checker.options[:matchers] = [ { :regexp => "(not closed", :path => "text" } ] expect(@checker).not_to be_valid @checker.options[:matchers] = [ { :regexp => "(closed)", :path => "text", :to => "foo" } ] expect(@checker).to be_valid end it "should validate presence of mode" do @checker.options[:mode] = "" expect(@checker).not_to be_valid end end end